Chapter nine

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Harry's P.O.V
"What a great start to this year" I said sarcastically as I was walking into the school with my best friend Ron.

"Yeah. Could you imagine the trouble we would be in? Especially if Snape catches us." Ron shuddered. I looked around us to make sure the coast was clear when we came in, but to my horror one specific teacher was looming over us.

"Now where would two young Gryffindors such as yourselves be doing outside of the feast as of right now?" Snape asked.

"Bathroom" I lied.

"Oh you mean the bathroom over there right next to the great hall?" Snape sneered. "Come with me" with that he dragged us to his office in the dungeons.

"You were no more, than 7 muggles. Do you have any idea how serious this is?" Snape slammed down the newspaper. "You have risked. The exposure of our world. Not to mention the damage you inflicted on the Whomping Willow which has been on these grounds since before you were born."

"Honestly Professor Snape. I think the tree did more damage to us!" Ron exclaimed.

"Silence! I assure you, were you in Slytherin and your fate rested with me, the both of you would be on the train home tonight. As it is-"

"They are not." Dumbledore spoke. I spun around to see Dumbledore had appeared in the doorway. "Harry come with me. Ronald go up to your dorm. The password is pumpkin pasties. With that he gestured for me to follow him.

On our way to wherever we were going I decided to tell him what I felt between me and Ginny. "Sir. Whenever I am with Ginny something near my heart kind of twitches." I told him.

"What do you mean?" Dumbledore asked sharply turning his gaze upon me.

"It kind of feels like my heart or something is trying to reach out to hers. Or to get closer to hers." I said trying to explain the weird feeling.

"I see. I will have a talk with Madam Pomfrey. But for the meantime don't worry about anything. Now I have a special surprise for you. But first I must ask you for your wand." He held his hand out. Confused I handed it over and he went up to a gargoyle. He said "lemon drops" and we went up a spiraling staircase until we reached the top.

There was a door and Dumbledore went in telling me to follow him. I obediently went in and looked in confusion at the faces staring at me. Not knowing any of their names. "Harry these people are your parents. That's Remus Lupin and that's Sirius Black. Remus was apart of the Order of the Phoenix before Voldemort died the first time. Sirius is your godfather." Dumbledore said gesturing to each of them.

"Impossible. My parents died. Remember? DIED. THEY AREN'T COMING BACK!" I yelled. I tried to run out of the door but Dumbledore closed and locked it. This weird guy with black curly hair picked me up fireman style and dunked me in a circular bowl. Bracing myself I waited to hit the bottom of it but I didn't. I kept falling until I reached Dumbledores office again. "Wait does he have a office underwater?" I wondered. All of a sudden people were in the room with me. The minister came too. Snape gave them a potion or something and they started to be questioned. By the end I still didn't know if it really was them. After all how could they be? I came out of the bowl again and just stared at my parents. "How could it be possible?" I asked.

"We don't know son." My supposed dad said. I slowly walked towards them and reluctantly gave them a hug. I couldn't believe my parents might have just arose from the dead. Nothing felt familiar to me. I didn't like it.

"I don't believe you!" I yelled. Snatching my wand from Dumbledores desk I unlocked the door, sprinting out with tears in my eyes. How could Dumbledore do this to me? That's an unbelievably cruel joke to play on a kid. After saying the password I didn't speak a word as I raced upstairs and collapsed in my bed. Too tired to do anything I just fell asleep.

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