Chapter sixty three

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Ginny's P.O.V.
"I said, where are they going to be kept as prisoners?" I said my voice a deadly whisper.

"You'll never get in." Kevin sneered.

"Tell me where are they being kept." I said forcefully.

"A-Azkaban." Kevin tried to resist but the potion overpowered it.

"We have control of Azkaban though." Draco frowned.


"Yes George?"

"I think we've made a big mistake." George groaned.

"What did you do?" I sighed.

"Well you see um...we received a big order two days ago to be prepared for this morning. It consisted of many items but we didn't think they would use it all at once so that may have helped them take control of Azkaban." Fred said quickly and avoided eye contact.

"Why are you so stupid." I shook my head disdainfully.

"There's nothing we can do now." Lily knocked out Kevin with one clean punch. "Let's gather the order again and reassign their tasks. We'll leave Molly's group though until they're done."

"Sounds good." I agreed. With the wave of my wand a misty, white horse burst out of the tip and I sent it off with the message to both the D.A. and the order of the Phoenix. 

"Azkaban?" Bill frowned suddenly appearing in the room coming through the fireplace with many people coming in behind him.

"It's going to be impossible to get in there Ginny." Cho said.

"Not impossible. But it'll be hard." Neville said thoughtfully. 

"We'll find a way." Severus said. "There always is one."

"First we have to locate what part of Azkaban they're all in." I started.

"Polyjuice potion." Draco supplied.

"Yes. However we can't stay in there too long without someone noticing we're off our path. It would be ideal if we could get the hairs off of the ones guarding the entrance" Cho said importantly.

"No. There could be a sign they do or something to make sure they're on the same side. Just to make sure what we're about to do doesn't happen." Luna said nonchalantly.

"I agree with Luna. It's to risky to be right next to them. We'll nick hairs off of a few guards." Hermione decided and I nodded. It was the most practical option.

"We'll capture five people and obliviate them so they don't remember and think they really did go for their shift. Any more will cause suspicion. Tonight we'll ambush the first five people to arrive. Throughout today let's come up with a plan on how to get in. Please study the layout of Azkaban and find places where people may be kept as prisoners. Dismissed." I said. The group broke off into smaller ones talking anxiously.

"We should go help too." Hermione said.

"I suppose." Lily sighed looking down at Sirius.

"It's okay we got this. You can stay with Sirius." I said softly.

"Thank you." Lily's eyes were full of gratitude.

"The rest of you follow me." I sprinkled floo powder in the fire and said clearly "Ministry of Magic."

Once we entered I saw a great commotion inside the entrance. I ran over with the others right behind me. We nodded to the security guards and stopped in front of the scene.

"What's going on here?" I demanded. My fierce gaze raked over the crowd.

"They're fighting over who should be in charge now. It would be Harry, then Kingsley, then Remus, and the Sirius if necessary but they're all gone." One person said.

"For now I will remain in charge. You will all be reporting to me. Now go back to your work. I'm sure you all have better things to do right now." I walked straight through the crowd with the rest of the Order and DA following.

"First we'll get the blueprints of the layout. I want two of you assigned to each floor. Find all points of entrance and exit and possible places that could be well guarded that may contain prisoners." Hermione ordered. They nodded in agreement and formed pairs. We arrived at our destination and I gestured for them to stay outside. This was top secret and only a few people knew how to get in.

Slightly I cracked open the door after entering a passcode so they couldn't see inside. I slipped in and closed the door behind me. "Lumos." I cast the spell and walked forward entering the labyrinth. Harry had taken me down here before so I remembered where the informational library was.

Soon enough I arrived in front of the plain looking door. Remembering what Harry told me I turned the handle sideways before pulling it back to open. I said the password to the door and it swung open for me. As the last security measure I poked myself with a needle and squeezed a drop of blood onto a flat surface. The mark disappeared and the last invisible enchantment vanished. Confidently I entered and turned on a light. There were many scrolls, and books full of everything the Minister of Magic had to know. This place was well kept by an elf who didn't mind living down here. Actually she was quite content to stay away from the outside. Inside had lists of all witches/wizards ever alive, records of all prisoners and people who've violated a law.

After scanning a shelf I found all the blueprints of Azkaban and made copies of them. Smartly I also placed a charm on the sheets so nobody but the people I wanted could read it. Even if there was an intruder using the polyjuice potion they wouldn't be able to.

"Mistress Ginny!" Kathie, the elf came up happily.

"Hello Kathie!" I smiled warmly. Kathie shyly wrapped her tiny arms around my legs and I bent down to hug her in return.

"Where are Masters James and Harry?" Kathie asked curiously.

"They're stuck in Azkaban Kathie. We have to get them out using these."

"Kathie understands. Be sure to bring them right back when you're done." Kathie said importantly.

"I will I promise. Nobody else has been down here right?"

"No. Not since Master James came down here before he left." Kathies long ears flopped as she shook her head from side to side.

"Okay. I have to go now. See you soon!" I smiled.

"Goodbye Mistress Ginny!" She waved before going back to the room we made for her. No matter how many times I told her not to she still kept calling me Mistress. After turning off the lights and illuminating my wand again, I swiftly made my way back up the winding tunnels until I reached the door. I pushed it open slightly and closed it again. All the enchantments I undid on my way down reset again and I nodded satisfied.

"Please form a line in front of me with your partner." I instructed. There was a lot of shuffling and they moved in place. As I started to give the first blueprint to Fred and George someone ran over.

"They're back!"

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