Chapter fourteen

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~time skip to fourth year after the maze~
Ginny's P.O.V
As time went on I started to get nervous. I tried to talk to him with my mind but he never responded. Fleur and Krum already came out of the maze therefore forfeiting the tri-wizard cup. Everyone was waiting in anticipation to see who would get the cup first.

Then all of a sudden there was a pop and Harry and Cedric appeared in the middle of the quidditch pitch. Everyone from Hogwarts got up and cheered. But I knew something was wrong.

I felt sadness and shock radiating from Harry. Shoving my way to the front of the crowd I knelt down and gasped. Cedric wasn't moving and his eyes were glazed over. I heard Cedric's father screaming in the background but I couldn't think. Voldemort's back he told me. I couldn't move. Not knowing what to do, I just watched Dumbledore tell Harry to stay there. He levitated Cedric's body and left the rest of the crowd. Suddenly Mad-eye Moody picked up shoving and leading Harry towards the castle.

Being so deep in thought I didn't really notice until Harry send me a message. Hurry. Mad-eyes office. Once I processed that he was in danger I sprinted to the school. Entering through the front doors I ran into Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.

"Ginny?" He asked.

    "Harry. Hurry" I said panting. I took off again with Dumbledore and McGonagall following.

Once we got to his office door we heard him saying "...when I have vanquished, the famous Harry Potter" Dumbledore blasted the door open and disarmed Mad-eye Moody. The professor he fell back into a chair. We all rushed into the room to see Harry in a corner by a weird looking trunk. Professor Snape rushed in soon after and poured a potion down Moody's throat. Dumbledore started to choke him and ask him questions.

"Are you Alastor Moody?"


"Is he in this room? Is he in this room?!" Moody looked out of the corners of his eyes at the weird trunk. Harry was standing behind it in shock. so I rushed and pulled him away. Professor Snape cast a spell and the trunk or should I say multiple trunks started to unlock one inside of the other. Finally the last one unlocked and Dumbledore approached it cautiously. He peered down and his eyes widened.

   "I'm sorry Albus" a voice echoed from down below.

      "Moody" Harry said. "But then who's-" Harry didn't get to finish his sentence seeing as the fake Moody started to transform back into his old self. Professor Snape opened Moody's flask and smelled it.

   "Pollyjuice potion" he said grimly.

      "Well now we know who's been stealing from your stores Severus" Dumbledore said. Snape then glared at Harry for no apparent reason. Finally the fake Moody finished transforming back to his normal self. His tongue kept flicking out the side of his mouth. "Barty Crouch Junior?" Dumbledore said amazed. "Minerva, send an owl to the ministry and Azkaban. I think they'll find that they're missing a prisoner." Dumbledore told her. She nodded and ran off. "Ginny please escort Harry to the hospital wing"

"I'm fine sir" Harry protested. Dumbledore looked at him sternly. Harry sighed knowing there was no way out of it so he walked out of the room. I rolled my eyes and followed him. We walked to the hospital wing in an uncomfortable silence.

Once we got there Madam Pomfrey hurried over and made him lie down on a bed. She fussed over him checking for any injuries. After she fixed all of his cuts she gave him a dreamless sleeping potion. Within seconds he was asleep and Madam Pomfrey went back to her office. I just watched him as he slept. He looked so peaceful I didn't want to leave him. Then and there I knew loved him. Not just because of the bond, but I truly loved him.

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