Chapter twenty two

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Harry's P.O.V
A million thoughts were racing through my head. Ron did that to me? Is Ginny cheating on me? Why does she have a ring on her ring finger? Is she just wearing it for fun? Does she even like me anymore? Where's Voldemort? Where am I?

   "Yes he did. No I'm not. You proposed to me last night. No I'm not. Yes I do. You killed Voldemort. You are in Saint Mungo's right now. Everyone but Ron came earlier." Ginny said answering all my questions in order.

"What what?! Did I loose my memory or something?" I asked.

"Yeah. You probably lost about the past 24 hours. Wait so that means you don't remember proposing to all?" Ginny asked her eyes getting glossy. Sorrowfully I shook my head when suddenly I found myself in a memory.

Harry was just standing there in shock. He just defeated Voldemort once and for all. A bunch of people were patting his back, congratulating him, and thanking him. But he started to look around for someone. Most likely it didn't help that he wasn't that tall so he went on his tiptoes to try to spot whoever he was looking for. He finally locked eyes with me but I was way at the edge of the crowd. He shoved his way through the crowd and embraced me. I hugged him back. We heard cameras clicking probably from reporters that just came but I didn't care. He kissed me putting all of his emotions into it. Happiness, pain, victory, and everything else he was feeling. Suddenly the crowd went silent. Confused I broke the kiss and looked around. Everyone was looking at us in awe. Looking down I saw a gold mist circling around us. He smiled at me. It must be a new power. Harry told me. Yeah. I agreed.

When the mist stopped we were all healed. We were clean, didn't have any cuts, bruises, or anything. He grinned and told me do it to everyone here. I smiled and went one way while he went the other. By then all the death eaters were gone. Either captured, or they fled. I started on the ones who needed healing the most. Do you think we can do dead people too? he asked. I froze. We made our way back to the front of the group and dashed into the great hall. "On three." he said getting down next to Lupin while I got next to Fred. "One...two...three!" On three he placed his hands on Lupins chest and I did the same on Fred. Nothing happened at first but then the glowing happened again. The mist circulated all over their body and went into their mouth. Suddenly both of them took a big gasp of air and sat up. Harry's eyes started to water. Harry engulfed him in a huge hug. "Harry? What happened to me? I thought I was de...No! No! Nooooo!" Lupin screamed seeing Tonks. "Calm down. You did die but we found a new power we could do with the bond" I heard Harry whisper in his ear. He started to do the same with Tonks while I went to a different section of the room. Once we revived everyone we started on the people who were alive. By the time we were done (Minerva insisted on going last) Harry gasped. One name had slipped through my mine in all of this. "Snape" Harry said simply. He went down to the shrieking shack with everyone following confused and saw his body. "He hates you!" "Why would you revive him?" "He's a death eater!" We heard a bunch of people shout. He just shook his head and knelt down. Harry's mum and I were on his left was his dad and Sirius on his right. We all gave him encouraging smiles. He could probably tell we didn't want me too but they didn't know the whole story. He slowly placed his hands on him and waited...

I woke back up in reality. I realized I was in Ginny's body and feeling all of her emotions. "Bond?" I asked.

   "Yeah. Must be memories/visions" she replied. Getting up I still felt kind of drowsy.

"Let's go to Hogwarts. I want to see something in the pensive." I said. I grabbed her hand and apparated. Once we appeared in front of Hogwarts I wobbled in with Ginny supporting me. We went up to the Headmistresses office. When we approached the gargoyle we started guessing. After we ran out of guesses I knocked. Surprisingly Minerva came out above us and looked at us.

"Oh! The boy who lived." Minerva told the gargoyle. The stairs started to move and we got on.

"Can we use your pensive?" I asked.

"Potter. You don't look so well" Minerva exclaimed.

   "Long story. I'll just go to madam Pomfrey later. Professor you can come along too if you would like." I told her. She nodded. I turned to Ginny.

   "Extract your memory from last night and put it in" I said. Once she did we all put our heads in. (A.N. Sorry. I'm going to skip that part. You can read that from the earlier chapter) When we came back out things started to come back to me. Me defeating Voldemort, the proposal, Ron. That name caused anger. I was feeling so many emotions the room started to move around me in circles. I put my hand on Minerva's desk to steady myself. Minerva took our arms and apparated and appeared in the hospital wing.

   "Poppy. Harry needs you" Minerva called. Madam Pomfrey came rushing out and laid me on the bed. She muttered a few spells and all the pain and dizziness was gone. So I got up and thanked her. She smiled at me and went back to her office.

"We should get going now professor" I said to McGonagall.

"Oh Potter. All the 7th years from last year are free to come back and complete school. Would you like to come back?" McGonagall asked.

"Yes" I replied.

"Congratulations! You will both be head boy and head girl. Now off you go" McGonagall said.

"Thanks professor" I said. Then we disapparated. All that was running through our heads was Ron is dead.

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