Chapter four

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Lily Potter, the woman who found herself in the middle of Godric Hollow's cemetery, leaped to her feet and rushed towards her home. She tore up through the ruined staircase and burst into her son's room. The room was in a messy state but none of that mattered. Once she saw that Harry wasn't there, she sank to the floor and felt like her heart had just torn in two. "I failed."

Suddenly she heard a voice calling her name. "James?" she called doubtfully.

"LILY!" Lily heard him shout. Not believing her ears it slowly processed in her mind. He was alive. She raced down the stairs but didn't make it that far seeing as how he was sprinting up the stairs at the same time. They collided, and fell to the ground tangled together.

"How are you still alive?" Lily asked breathlessly.

"Same way you are. I have no idea. Now where's Harry?" James asked. She avoided his gaze and blinked back tears. "Hush. Everything will be okay." he soothed."Now what's wrong?"

"I failed. He's gone." she shook her head disdainfully. James pulled her in tight.

"It's okay, love. We'll figure this out. How about we go back to our old house?"

"Potter manor?"

"Yes my flower. Potter manor." James smiled softly.

"Yes please. Just let me go get ready first. Seeing as I was wearing this for the past...James how long have we been-well-supposedly dead?"

"You know what I actually don't know." he admitted.

"Here come on. Let's go change and head over to our house."

"Sure honey." He put his hand around Lily's waist and they went up the stairs into their room. They changed as quickly as they could and apparated right in front of their old residence.

"Flower?" Lily called, wondering whether or not their house elf was still there.

"Master Potter and Mistress Lily!" Flower squeaked coming up to us from around the corner. She was wearing rags because she insisted to work properly, but Lily did give her bows to put on her ears. She had long ears and a kind face. "Flower did not know you were coming back. Or else she would have prepared a grand meal for the master and his wife." Flower said in a hurry.

"Flower can you go and collect as many different daily prophets as you can?" James asked her, waving away the apology.

"Yes of course sir!" Flower nodded vigorously. With that she disappeared with a crack.

"Well how about we look around?" James asked me ever so properly.

"Why of course!" Lily laughed, and took his arm that he held out for her. They looked around for a bit before Flower came back. All of the rooms looked just as they had left them, and were completely spotless. 

"Here is the most recent paper Flower could find." Flower said. Lily read the date and gasped.

"Flower? How long has it been since we've seen you?"

"It has been about 12 years Mistress Lily" Flower answered promptly.

"Okay." she nodded slowly. However one question popped into her mind. How could she not have asked before? "Flower, is Harry still alive?" Flower grinned broadly.

"Yes Mistress Lily. Harry is indeed alive." Flower confirmed. The two visibly relaxed.

"Where is he staying then? With Dumbledore? McGonagall?" James was picturing how smart and strong Harry would be. Either one of those options would've helped his Quidditch career as well as his education. But to their dismay, the little house elf groaned.

"He is staying with Mistress Lily's sister under Albus Dumbledore's strict orders. He wouldn't let me take care of him."

"Petunia?!" Lily's voice started to rise in volume. Flower and James winced. They both knew of the high tension between the two sisters.

"Yes Mistress he is." Looking at James, Lily was about to ask something but he already nodded. It was so nice how he could understand her and know what I'm thinking just by looking.

"Thank you Flower. James and I might be back soon okay? Depending on how things go." Lily smiled.

"Yes Mistress Lily and Master James." Flower said happily. Grabbing James' hand the two disapparated. All Lily knew in that moment, was that Dumbledore was as good as dead.

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