Chapter fifty

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Harry's P.O.V
"Ginny? Ginny!" I said frantically shaking her. She wouldn't wake back up. People were silently crowding around the scene and gasping. Immediately I healed her neck but I knew the damage was done. The venom was already in her system.

"Ginny!" Mrs. Weasley shoved her way through the crowd and gasped. Dad silently conjured a stretcher and we gently levitated her onto it. Her family, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Draco, and Hermione formed a protective circle around them and we carried her towards the school. Mom laid a comforting hand on my shoulder and I took a deep breath. Madam Pomfrey met us at the entrance to the hospital wing and had us lay her down on a bed.

"Oh that's vampire venom for sure." Madam Pomfrey said examining the blood she extracted from Ginny.

"V-vampire?" Mr. Weasley stuttered.

"Yes. There's nothing that can be done to stop the change. It should be over in a few days and she'll wake up. But be wary. Not all people react the same way. It would be wise to chain her-""

"No." I interrupted her.

"I thought you would say that. You're all welcome to stay with her until she wakes up." Madam Pomfrey said and silently left us.

"Come on Ginny. We didn't prank Draco yet." Fred said looking for a response. Ginny stayed as still as a statue.

"It's all my fault." I sighed and pulled up a chair beside Ginny.

"Son there's nothing you could've done." Dad said softly laying a hand on my shoulder. "She made a decision to save me so really it's my fault she's like this. However we can't be blaming ourselves. Ginny wouldn't want that."

"I know." I took her fragile hand in mine and tucked a stray piece of hair off of her face.

"I have to return to the ministry to update them and take care of a lot of paper work. I'll try to be back later." Dad said quietly and left along with Sirius who also had to get back as he was head of the Aurors.

"Remus and I should get back to Teddy. I'm so sorry. We'll try to stop by once she wakes up." Tonks said.

"I'll go inform my work that I'll be on leave for a week to be with you guys." Bill said regretfully looking at Ginny that he had to leave her.

"Me too." Charlie said. They both said goodbye and disapparated.

"Hey Fred."

"Yes George?"

"I'm going to be gone for a week."

"Oh really? Me too."

"Sounds good." They ended in unison. It lightened the mood and even Mrs. Weasley cracked a smile.

"I'm going to go see if my Mom's okay. I'll probably be back a little later." Draco said. After casting a longing look at Hermione he left. It was just Mom, Mrs and Mr. Weasley, Fred, George, Hermione, and I now.

An odd expression came over Hermione's face and she gasped. "Where's Draco?"

"Umm. You just saw him leave Hermione." Fred said.

"Oh no! I remember now! I love him!" She dashed out of the room. We all settled down in chairs and sat in a peaceful silence. Madam Pomfrey was helping people outside and hadn't brought anyone else in. I checked the watch I got for my seventeenth birthday. It had been five minutes. This was going to be a long few days.

~Time skip to two days later~

"Harry please go eat something." Mom pleaded.

"If she can't eat I shouldn't be able to either." I refused. "I'm not hungry anyways."

"You haven't eaten since it happened. You can't starve yourself to death before she wakes up." Remus said exasperatedly.

"Watch me." I muttered. Ginny twitched.

"Ginny!" Mrs. Weasley gasped. I immediately switched my full attention to her and everyone gathered around the bed. Her eyelids flew open and she blinked rapidly. My eyes widened seeing the color of them. They were a scarlet red. Ginny seemed confused.

"I'm so thirsty." She frowned and touched her throat. Her eyes latched on to me and she lunged. Fred quickly stunned her and levitated her back to the bed where she watched him furiously.

"Out of the way!" Madam Pomfrey said running over to Ginny.

"What is that?" Mr. Weasley frowned.

"Her food." Madam Pomfrey said shortly. It was a bag filled with human blood. There was a straw in it and Ginny looked at the bag eagerly. As soon as the spell was off her she snatched the bag with amazing speed and drank it.

"Oh my..." George trailed off. The bag was already finished.

"Eat this." Madam Pomfrey ordered. She put bloody raw steak on a plate and put it in front of Ginny.

"That's not good." Ginny scrunched her nose.

"Either that or nothing."

"Fine." Ginny poked the steak tentatively and narrowed her eyes. The hunger won and she viciously tore it apart with her teeth eagerly drinking the blood.

"She'll need to hunt at least once a day in the beginning."

"H-hunt?" I asked shocked.

"Yes. Unless you want to kill and bring in a dead animal everyday she will have to go out and find some food in a forest." Madam Pomfrey raised an eyebrow.

"No thanks." I said quickly.

"Will her eyes stay that color?" Fred asked.

"Not forever. But at least for the first month they will be. You can take her home now. If she behaves irregularly and it becomes concerning make sure to bring her back here."

"Okay." I nodded. Ginny looked at me and started shaking.

"I can't do this." She sprinted out of the room and in a flash she was gone.

"Ginny!" I yelled. It was no use.

"She's going to need a fellow vampire to help her. But it has to be an experienced one."
Madam Pomfrey said.

"I know someone." Remus said quietly. "I'll be right back." He disappeared. A minute later he came back with a woman who looked completely normal. Her eyes were an captivating shade of blue and her hair was black. She looked Asian...but with blue eyes?

"What is it you want Remus?" The woman sighed.

"Olivia I need your help. She's a newborn and needs your help to adjust to being around humans."

"Very well. Where is she?" Olivia looked around expectantly.

"Well...she ran off." Remus said sheepishly.

"The things I do for you." Olivia sighed and ran off to find Ginny.

"In the meantime let's go home. It'll do nothing for us to stay here." Tonks said gently. We nodded and apparated back to the burrow.

A few hours later they still hadn't returned.

"Do you think she didn't find her?" I asked worriedly. At that moment a patronus came through the wall. A voice I recognized as Olivia's spoke.

"She needs help. I'm going to be with her and ease her into being around humans again. Don't know when we'll be back but don't worry." The patronus faded.

"I'm sure she'll be fine Molly. In the meantime we should be getting back to Teddy." Remus said bracingly.

"Oh yes. Of course. Don't let us keep you." Mrs. Weasley said shooing them out. They left and Mrs. Weasley did something she never really did during the day when everyone was still here. She left and went up to her room. I could've sworn I saw a tear falling from her eye. Mr. Weasley right after her. I pulled my legs up to my chest and put my head in my knees. Didn't we experience enough craziness and pain?

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