Chapter twenty nine

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Ginny's P.O.V.
      The next day Hermione made a confession. "Harry...Ginny..." she started. "I don't like Blaise."

      "Yes!" Harry exclaimed.

      "I knew it!" I smiled.

      "...I like Draco." She finished. My heart sunk. Harry's face turned grim but brightened again for his friend.

      "You know what Hermione? If you like him so be it. He's probably a great guy without his father looming over him. I would say give it a shot!" Harry told her with me nodding in agreement.

      "Thanks guys." Hermione smiled.

~time skip to wedding plans~

I was sitting at the table rubbing my temples thinking about the wedding when Harry came in. Rushing into his arms I squeezed him trying to run away from all of the planning struggles.

    "Hello Gin." Harry chuckled. Which I returned with a glare.

      "You're lucky! You don't have to plan anything for the wedding!" I yelled.

      "Calm down Ginny. Okay do you want my help?" Harry asked raising his eyebrows.

   "Yes" I muttered.

      "Okay then. The wedding will be at Hogwarts in the great hall. Fleur, Luna, and Hermione will be your bridesmaids. Your brothers will be my groomsmen, Mcgonagall will be the officiator (or whatever you call it). Your dad will walk you down the aisle, and we will fly out of the auditorium on broomsticks. Everyone we invite will be our friends from Hogwarts, the Order of the Pheonix, Hagrid, Draco because of Hermione, my parents, and your relatives except for Ronald and Lavender. There. Now we have everything done except for getting all of the clothing and decorations." Harry said satisfied. Grinning, I kissed him.

      "You truly are a lifesaver" I murmured. He scooped me up bridal style and carried me up to our room. Obviously he was really strong if he could carry me up about six flights of stairs. He laid me down in my bed and scooted in next to me. "Goodnight" I whispered.

      "Goodnight. I love you Gin." Harry said.

      In the morning when I woke up I saw a pair of emerald eyes staring at me. I squeaked and fell off the side of the bed. "Sorry. I just love watching you sleep. You look so peaceful" Harry said apologetically.

   "It's fine" I said getting up and rubbing my backside. Then we got dressed and headed downstairs. We heard a bunch of commotions so we sprinted down the last few flights of stairs to see what the problem was.

      Once we got down we entered the living room and saw Draco and his mother in the door with everyone but Hermione staring at them in shock. Hermione was trying to explain that they changed but I don't think anybody heard her.

   "Hey! Listen to Hermione!" I snapped. Hermione looked at me gratefully and started to explain.

      "It was Draco's father all along. He forced them to join the dark side. Narcisca and Lucius had an arranged marriage from when they were kids. Draco was acting all throughout Hogwarts from his fathers influence. Draco and Narcisca are cleared after answering questions after drinking veratiserum at the ministry and Lucius is in Azkaban." Hermione said.

      Harry was the first to speak up. "We are already inviting them to our wedding." he said. I nodded in agreement.

      "I really am sorry for what I've done to you guys" Draco said.

      Mrs.Weasley hesitantly said "In that case, you are welcome to come here whenever you like!" she went up to the Malfoys and gave them her famous hug. Which they tried to return rather awkwardly. Draco smiled and went over to Hermione. They grasped hands and looked at everyone else. The guys reluctantly nodded but went over to greet the two of them none the less.

      "So. Are you guys a thing then." Fred said loudly pointing at them.

      Hermione blushed but Draco said "Yes. In fact we are" the guys all took Draco and dragged him to another room. I knew it was to give him "a talk" which they did to every man who might be one of the families husbands. Technically, he was more related to them than Hermione was. His mothers cousin, was Harry's Godfather, which relates Draco to Harry, and now since Harry and I are getting married he's officially apart of the Weasley family.

      The girls went over and started talking to Narcisca, so I offered to go and get tea. Getting up, I went over to the kitchen to start the kettle. When it finished I poured the tea into cups and took them over to the living room. After handing them out I sat back down. We talked for a while and the guys finally came back. Draco took Hermione's hand and led her outside. Ignoring it, I zoned back in to the conversation.

      Eventually Draco's mom said they should get back to their house. She thanked us and left with Draco. Once they closed the door Hermione took my hand and dashed up the stairs dragging me to her room. She opened the door and flung me onto the bed.

      "Okay Hermione! Calm down!" I said.

      "Draco asked me if I would go out with him. I said yes" Hermione told me breathlessly.

      "Congratulations!" I squealed. Hermione seemed content with my reaction.

      "But don't think that this will excuse you from your wedding plans." Hermione said seriously.

      "We just need the clothes and decorations. Harry and I planed everything else earlier." I said happily.

      "Oh! Okay." Hermione said looking surprised. We talked, and talked until my mum called us down for lunch. My stomach rumbled. Just then, I noticed I haven't eaten at all the whole day. Hermione rolled her eyes and took me downstairs. We settled down to eat when there was a knock on the door...

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