Chapter thirteen

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~time skip to end of the school year~

Ginny's P.O.V
      I pulled Harry to the side. "I'll miss you so much Harry!" I sighed.

    "Don't worry. I live only a minute away! We have to at least have physical contact during the day unless you want to pass out." He replied with a smile.

      "I know but still." I mumbled giving him a huge hug.

      He was about to let go when a rude voice coming from my brother said "Oy! You're lucky I'm letting you guys date!"

    "You're letting me? Okay first of all we practically have to. Second of all, you're just jealous that you can't pluck up the courage to ask out Hermione!" I scoffed.

      I didn't realize Hermione was right there until she said "He just needs time" I grabbed Harry's hand and went back to our parents.

      "Ready?" They asked us.

      "Ready" we replied. We all got a handful of floo powder and went back home.

      "The Burrow!" I shouted. I disappeared catching one last glance of the boy I had grown to love. When I came out of the furnace I dusted myself off and took my stuff up to my bedroom.

      Once I finished unpacking I sent a message in my mind to Harry. (A.N. Everything in italics is what they are saying in their minds) Hi! How are you? I asked. Great. I'm flying over now with my parents. He said. I looked out the window and sure enough there were three figures on their own brooms. I opened the window for Harry while Lily and James went in through the front door. To my surprise he tackled me onto my bed and pushed my long hair to the side. I missed you. He grinned. Harry, it's only been a few minutes. I laughed. I'm sensitive. I need to always be around you right now. Even on the way here I was getting kind of dizzy. He protested. I giggled, kissed his cheek, and ran off. He started chasing after me and up and down the stairs, causing ruckus in the Weasley household.

      "Well everything's back to normal." We heard my mom say.

    "Yup! We're back!" I shouted. Finally we collapsed back on my bed again and he pulled the covers over us. I sighed content and we fell asleep peacefully taking a nap.

      Only to be woken by a "what the heck are you doing with my little sister!" From Ron. We sighed and sat up. Well this is going to be a crazy summer. I thought. I was in just thinking the same exact thing. He said back to me.

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