Chapter thirty two

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Harry's P.O.V
After they constantly badgered me about not going I ended the conversation by saying if they wanted the plans to change talk to Ginny. But then it got really boring so we planned out a prank to pull on the girls. I made sure to close my mind from Ginny's before we started.

Someone was going to fake scream to draw the girls downstairs, then I was going to rush up the stairs and pretend to be breathless and get them to go downstairs. Fred and George were going to be pretend dueling with the rest of the Weasley guys except Arthur. Arthur was going to be at the next floor above his room. Once the girls went downstairs me and him  were going to go downstairs to prank them. It was perfect. We all got into our positions when we heard the scream. I rushed upstairs to see the girls bursting out of their room.

   "Death eaters" I panted. Ginny tried to stay with me but I pointed to the stairs.

"Go help them" I said. She sprinted down the stairs. Arthur came down the stairs and we snuck down to see how the rest of the plan was going. We peeked out from behind the door to see Mrs.Weasley in a fierce fight with Fred. The rest of the guys were trying to tell her that it was all a prank but she didn't listen. Before anyone knew it Fred crashed to the floor...dead. I froze. George went over to Fred and took off the fake mask. There was a churning feeling in my stomach. I had no idea if we could raise him from the dead a second time.

"What are you waiting for? Come heal him Harry" George said. I walked over quickly and kneeled down. Mrs.Weasley was in tears sobbing that she killed her son, while everyone was trying to tell her that it wasn't her fault. I placed my hands on Fred's chest and waited...nothing happened.

Ginny came over and placed her hands on his chest too. We placed all of our concentration on healing him. When still, nothing happened everyone froze. Then I felt for his pulse. It was there, but faint. Not believing what I was doing, I took him to Draco's place.

Busting through the door I saw Draco frozen looking at me. I set Fred down carefully while Draco was crashing around the house to get all of his stuff. He settled down in front of Fred. He started to perform spells. I touched him just in case it would help. Suddenly Fred coughed and sat up only to fall back down again.

Draco did another spell that projected a human x-ray of Fred's body and started to inspect it. Draco's face paled. He gulped and looked at me. "He's alive, but his magical core was weakened. It was already fragile after he died the first time but this was too much." Draco said quietly.

"What do you mean he's alive but his magical core was weakened?" I demanded.

"I don't know. It's different for every case. He might be a squib. Or might just not be as powerful as before." Draco shrugged.

   "Come on" I said tugging on his arm. I picked up Fred again and we were going to apparate back to the Burrow when I changed my mind. Instead, I sent a patronus telling them where we were.

After a minute there were a bunch of pops and the Weasleys came through the door. Draco was still running tests on Fred when everyone attacked him. Mrs. Weasley kept apologizing. But no one realized he was trying to say something. "Oy! He's only got about half of his magical core left! He is breathing really slowly! I think he will like some space!" Draco yelled. Fred gave Draco a look of gratitude. However the whole family froze.

"H-h-half of his magical core?" Mr. Weasley stuttered.

"The first time he died made it weak but didn't effect his magic. However this time it ripped away about half of it" Draco stated. Mrs. Weasley looked like she was about to faint.

"We'll probably still be able to continue our business though" Fred said attempting to lighten the mood.

   "I'm so sorry! I should have stopped! I got carried away and it seemed so real-" Mrs. Weasley started.

I held up my hand "Mrs. Weasley, no one blames you. It was a stupid prank. We just didn't think you guys were going to go that far." I told her.

"I think that's enough drama for today. Our weddings almost here! You guys need to lighten up or else I'll make you!" Ginny threatened. Everyone slowly dispersed from the room.

   "We'll still go shopping tomorrow. The weddings next week so after that lets just relax." Ginny said. I scooped her up bridal style and carried her to our room. We got washed up and changed, then laid down.

"I love you" I murmured into her hair.

"Love you too" Ginny said sleepily. I fell asleep to her sweet smell.

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