Chapter fifty four

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Harry and I had kept in contact with the others but I made sure not to meet up with them in person. But I knew I had to soon. My bump was swelling at a rate of a week passing for a human, in one day. It's already been almost a week since we found out.

"Ginny we have to tell them." Harry said gently.

"My brothers are going to kill us." I moaned dramatically and threw my hands up into the air in despair.

"They'll just have to deal. There's nothing they can do now." Harry said confidently.

"Fine. You sort out everything." I muttered.

"Oh don't worry I already did. We're meeting for lunch in...ten minutes now?"

"HARRY!" I yelled and he didn't show a sign of being frightened as he smiled at me and showed all of his teeth.

"You may want to get ready" he advised.

"Thanks for the heads up." I grumbled and trudged off to the bathroom. I yanked my brush through my hair quite unsuccessfully and broke the handle. It took a lot of work for my hair to look straight! Slightly annoyed I repaired it and finished the long process. Harry edged into the bathroom and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

His sheepish face met my stone cold one. "I'm sorry. But I don't like keeping secrets from them. We're only going to start with our families. I didn't even invite Hermione and Draco. We'll wait to tell them."

"First, you don't get to make all of the decisions. No. Nuh uh. Hermione's coming. I refuse to be stuck in a sea of BOYS and the only females being our mothers."

"Of course. Whatever you say." Harry nodded quickly. "I'm going to go tell them now." He went back out of the room to send the patronus. Muttering under my breath I finished up and went outside to meet him. He offered his arm and I grudgingly took it. We disapparated and appeared in front of the Burrow. I didn't even try to conceal my bump as it was very obvious to anyone a mile away.

Everybody was waiting for us expectantly outside and gasped when they saw me. "I guess you know now. I'm pregnant." I shrugged trying to disguise my fear of what their reactions will be. A mixture of very different things came out.

"What were you thinking?!" Bill growled.

"You guys are so young." Charlie frowned.


"Brilliant." George finished Freds sentence.

"Wow." Draco raised an eyebrow

"Congratulations!" Hermione squealed along with Lily. Mom looked really happy but a little mad at the same time. Dad was still having a hard time closing his mouth from shock. James stood there also trying to comprehend in his mind that he was going to be a grandfather.

"Is nobody using their brains?" Bill sighed. "Maybe you all haven't noticed but she looks like she's already four months along and we saw her just two weeks ago!" Everyone froze slowly processing what was just said.

"Has there ever been a half vampire child?" Mom asked.

"We have no idea. I'm sure there's some book or movie in the Muggle world where that happens or something but this is real. I don't think it's ever happened before." Harry informed.

"Ow!" I looked down furiously expecting to see that I hit something somehow while staying still but nothing showed.

"What is it?" Draco frowned trying to process everything in his brain. Most likely trying to figure out how everything would work out medically.

"There was a sharp pain in my stomach." I frowned.

"Do you mind if I examine you? It won't take long." Draco asked.

"Sure." I shrugged. He led the way back inside and had me lay down on the couch.

"Tell me if any of this hurts." Draco gently pressed down on parts of my stomach but it didn't hurt.

"Nothing." I shrugged.

"Oh my..." Draco trailed off and everyone else froze.

"What? What is it?" I asked frantically.

"Your stomach just got a little bigger. I swear I saw it." Draco looked shocked.

"I'm fine." I muttered. I got up and walked over to the door. "I'll be back. I'm going to go hunt." Swiftly I left the house and sprinted off into the woods. They didn't try to follow.

Angrily I killed a deer and drank its blood deep in thought. What would be the complications of this child? If something happened to me Harry wouldn't look at the baby the same, and if something happened to the baby, I wouldn't be the same. Was this really meant to be?

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