Chapter forty four

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Draco's P.O.V.
Desperately I struggled against the bonds preventing me from apparating. It's been at least an hour since Bellatrix took Hermione and I still haven't figured out how to get free. Then I realized that all of the struggling caused sweat to appear over my body. Very slowly I slipped my arms out and worked on my legs.

The second I was out I went to the Potters house. Harry looked startled as I collapsed on the floor from exhaustion.

"Bellatrix...Hermione..." I croaked.

"Come on!" Harry jumped to his feet and helped me up. We both apparated to the ministry straight to his Dads office.

"Son I already told you we don't have any leads on Bella-"

"She has Hermione again!" Harry interrupted.

"What happened?" James asked sharply taking in my appearance. I shook my head to clear it.

"Everything happened so fast. I was going down to make something for Hermione when I was ambushed by Bellatrix. She bound my hands and feet together using apparation proof rope and cast the muffilato charm on me." I said quickly.

"Where could she be? We're keeping watch on the manor so she couldn't be there." James said thoughtfully.

"Wait." I closed my eyes and thought hard. "When I was about four years old my parents took me somewhere as someone bad was looking for us. Other death eaters were there too... It was really quiet and dark...I got it! We were below the Ministry of Magic!" I said excitedly. My stomach flipped as I realized what that meant. There was definitely a few moles in the ministry.

"Come on! Call Mom and the others!" Harry said to his father. James sent a patronus and we all rushed to the lowest floor. I recognized these halls. I led the way and moved a vase to the side and quickly pressed the button. There were pops as Mom and the rest of the order appeared behind us. I quickly opened the door and Hermione had a dazed look in her eyes.

"Oops. Don't know what that one did." Bellatrix laughed loudly and didn't see us. Silently I cast a stunning spell at her and she somehow blocked it lazily. "Come on Draco. You're going to need to do more than that to defeat me." She sighed.

"Draco no!" Harry tried to pull me back but it was too late. I cast spell after spell at her and she blocked them all. However one hit it's mark  and she looked furious. Bellatrix then turned offensive and glared at me. James snuck behind her and stunned her. She fell to the floor and he sprang forward to bind her arms and legs.

"Hermione!" I grabbed her by the shoulders and she turned to me looking confused.

"Who's Hermione? And why did you hurt that innocent woman?"

A.N. I'm SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO sorry I didn't update earlier! I hope you liked this chapter and I'll try to update more often and more regularly from now on. My two update days will be Monday and Friday until further notice. All of your votes, comments, and follows mean so much to me you have no idea. I'm so thankful for all of you. Thanks for reading!

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