Chapter sixty two

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"Wait I think I've got it!" I said excitedly. A few hours ago I had received a letter from James telling me he was leaving soon with the others.

"What?" Hermione looked up from the book she was reading through and Draco and Severus appeared from behind the bookshelf.

"The hair from a buffalo tail." I smacked my head and Severus groaned.

"We're so stupid." He said.

"What?" Draco looked confused and Hermione had a look of realization on her face.

"Give me a second. You have some in your private stores right Severus?" I asked.

"Yeah." He nodded. That was the last thing we needed to finish Ginny's potion and we've been working all day. I went down the hall and opened the door to get the hairs. When I saw a heap of a familiar person on the floor. I screamed.

"Lily!" There were loud footsteps and I collapsed next to the body.

"Sirius? Sirius!" I desperately shook him and he squinted up at me. Severus, Hermione, and Draco appeared in the doorway and gasped. Immediately I began to perform healing charms to clean the blood away and see what I was working on. Severus kneeled next to me and started to close up the cuts over his body.

"What happened?" Severus asked urgently.

"It was a trap." Sirius coughed and his eyes were fluttering to stay open. "They're...prisoners...All helpers...are dead...Mole the the ministry." Sirius managed to get out before fainting.

"You and Draco take him up to the infirmary. I'll finish up the potion with Hermione." Severus said. His charms were already starting to fade and Sirius was beginning to bleed again. Draco hurried forward and picked him up in his arms and we ran. The students were just getting out of dinner causing crowded hallways.

"Get out of our way!" I yelled. People froze and looked towards us. A clear path started to form in the middle as the students started to clear to the sides. Whispering began but I didn't care. Filch spluttered seeing the mess we were leaving behind us.

"Oh my. What happened?" Professor McGonagall rushed up to us and kept pace as we sprinted.

"We'll explain later. Can't right now. For now make sure the students get to their common rooms quickly and safely. Madam Pomfrey!" I burst into the room and she looked up startled.

"Set him down here." She instructed. Draco set Sirius down gently on the indicated bed and looked down worried. After her first few spells the blood around him was going back into his body. However the scars still remained.

"Will he be okay?" I asked nervously.

"I'm not sure. He's lost a lot of blood Lily. There also seems to be some kind of spell on him but I've never seen anything like it before. Thankfully it isn't doing any internal damage so hopefully it'll all be okay." Madam Pomfrey sighed. After her last charm she started checking his vitals.

"Is there anything we can do?" I asked.

"No. All we can do is wait." She said.

"Draco go tell James-" my voice trailed off. I realized that if Sirius was here James was probably one of the prisoners. He couldn't have died. Sirius said all the helpers were dead. So James had to be a prisoner. "No." I said in a small voice. Everyone I trusted was gone. James...Harry...Remus. I had to contact everyone's families, find the mole, and find  where the prisoners were being kept. But through all of that I still didn't want to leave Sirius' side.

"What?" Draco asked. "Didn't catch that sorry." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I couldn't loose my head.

"I need you to go to the ministry and get me the list of the fifty people who were going. Also get the name of the spy who last went to check out the hideout and bring him to me." I said softly. He nodded and left me alone.

"Let me know if there are any changes." Madam Pomfrey said before going back into her office. I levitated a chair next to the bed and collapsed into it.

Tears were pricking my eyes and I put my head into my hands. It felt like there was nobody to go to. I looked over the peaceful face waiting for him to spring out of bed and crack a joke to lighten the mood and I would roll my eyes. But that moment never came. I brushed his hair back from his face with my fingers and sighed. Him and Remus had always felt like the brothers I never had.

With a sinking heart I supposed I should call the order to myself. Severus could give Ginny the potion at the meeting. I sent out my patronus and waited.

Wanting to occupy my hands I pulled the sheets up all the way to his chin and left one arm out so I could touch the warmth of his hand reassuring me he was still alive. Soon enough there were many pops coming from outside the door and people burst into the room.

"Why are we in the infirmary?" Molly asked.

"Yeah and where is everyone else?" Fred questioned. I waited for the rest of the order to file in. George was the first to notice I was sitting next to someone in the bed.

"Wait is that..." George trailed off.

"I need you all to be patient and don't interrupt until I'm done is that clear?" I started. They all nodded. Taking a deep breath I began. "As you all know James, Harry, Arthur, Remus, Kingsley, and Sirius were going to stop that small rebellion forming and took forty four people with them as reinforcements just in case. I'm not exactly sure but from what Sirius managed to tell me was all of the reinforcements died, the last spy to go check the hideout is a mole, and the rest of them are prisoners. So now we have many tasks with not many people to accomplish them. I know it'll be hard but we have to stay alert and be productive." Just then Draco walked into the room. Tonks put her hand over her mouth in shock. Molly stiffened up.

"I found him. He was trying to escape his home but I had put anti apparition charms around it." Draco threw the guy onto the ground.

"N-n-now let's not be hasty now." The man stuttered.


"Lily." Ginny placed a calming hand on my shoulder.

"Severus." I called. Severus looked slightly surprised at my yelling and came forward quickly. "Get some veritaserum." I said.

"Of course." He nodded and left the room.

"We need to contact all the families of the people who have passed. Molly can you organize a group to do that?" I asked.

"Yes." Molly said. She grabbed a group of seven and left the room.

"All of you except for Ginny, Hermione, Draco, Bill, Fred, and George please go work together for after we get the information to find out how we can break in. Go back to the ministry and find a place where you can work." I instructed.

"I have it." Severus announced as he came back into the room. I roughly tied the guy to a chair and we poured the potion down his throat.

"What is your name?" I demanded.

"Kevin Troppel." The guy snarled.

"Who do you work for?"

"R-r-Romilda Vane." Kevin was making faces.

"Where are they headed now?" I demanded. Kevin held his breath and too late I realized what he was doing. However Ginny was faster. She punched his arm and he gasped in pain.

"Where is my husband?"

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