Chapter twenty six

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Harry's P.O.V
Her pulse was still there. But it was faint. I quickly apparated to Saint Mungo's and heard pops behind me as I arrived. Rushing up to the desk I waved for attention.

She took one look at Hermione's fragile body and said "Quickly. This way." We arrived in a room and I laid her down on a bed. Then the door opened revealing a healer. The same person who I hated for all my years at Hogwarts...Draco Malfoy.

"Don't touch her" I snarled. Draco's eyes widened at who he saw.

   "I can assure you Ms.Granger is in safe hands. Mr.Malfoy is our best healer." The lady ushered me out and told me to sit down. Angrily I slumped onto a chair. So many thoughts were running through my head.  But then noticed a soft hand on my shoulder. Looking up I saw chocolate eyes looking down at me. She sat down in my lap and kissed me. Of course Ron just had to burst into the waiting room at that moment.

"Oy!" Ron yelled pointing his wand at me. Ginny and I sighed. Ginny stood up in front of me.

"Just because no one likes you right now doesn't mean..." Ginny trailed off looking shocked. I looked where she was and I saw a ring on Ron's finger.

   "What did you do!" I yelled.

" see... Lavendercameuptometoldmeshewassorrywemadeupandijustgottheringandproposedandshesaidyes" Ron said in one breath.

   "Sorry? I didn't catch that" I said mimicking Cho in my fourth year, and chuckled at my own joke.

"Lavender came up to me, told me she was sorry, we made up, and I just got the ring and proposed and she said yes." Ron said more slowly.

   "Get out of the room! It's not like you care about Hermione anymore so just go!" Ginny shouted. Ron looked frightened and dissaparated with a pop. Soon after, the rest of the family came in.

   "No news?" Fred said sadly.

"Actually. There is some news! Ron is getting married to Lavender!" Ginny said fake smiling. Bill left with a loud popping noise. A little while later he came back.

   "I gave him a good beating. He's staying at Lavenders house and I told him we weren't coming to the wedding" Bill said. Everyone nodded their heads deciding we weren't going to go.

Draco came out "she's fine now. Just needs some rest" he left quickly with everyone else staring at him in shock. We all barged through the door to see a confused looking Hermione.

"He changed" Hermione whispered.

"What?" Fred asked.

"He's changed. Draco's changed." Hermione said louder this time. I saw Ginny give Hermione a look clearly saying "we will talk later." A healer came in and told us that Hermione could come home. She just couldn't do anything big and had to get a lot of rest. We apparated home and she went up heading towards Ginny's room. Ginny marched up right after her. I was going to follow them when Bill pulled me back.

   "We aren't done with you yet!" Bill said grinning.

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