Chapter six

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Harry and the rest of the Weasleys made it in Flourish and Blotts at no later than half past two. Mrs.Weasley requested the children to go get their books for school while she held the group's place in line.

Harry went over to Ginny and said "Hey Gin. Would you like some help?" When she blushed, Harry suspected he did something wrong. It was then that he realized that he called her Gin. "i-I-I'm sorry" he stuttered.

"Oh it's fine Harry." She said with no expression. Harry's heart skipped a beat when she quickly swooped up and kissed his cheek, she then ran away giggling.

"That girl is extraordinary." he mumbled, touching the spot where she kissed him. All of a sudden Ron came up and slapped Harry with all his might. Which thankfully wasn't that painful but it still hurt. "Ow. What was that for?" he asked his best mate whilst rubbing his pinking cheek.

"You bloody kissed my sister!" Ron said angrily.

"Ron, she kissed me on the cheek! Probably for no apparent reason. Also we were just talking! Jeez you would think I killed someone!" Harry exclaimed in frustration, throwing his hands in the air.

Harry then spun around and walked up to where the youngest of the Weasleys stood. To her surprise, he turned her to face him, he kissed her on the cheek and wrapped his arms around her. He then marched to the bathroom as if he was on a parade and locked himself in a stall, failing to see the blush that crawled up to her cheeks.

Harry heard the door of the restroom open and close but was too busy thinking about Ginny that he didn't realize that it did so. He felt his heart pound just at the thought of her, it wasn't even the normal nervous pounding. He felt like his heart wanted to escape his bare chest.

He unlocked the stall and to his horror, Ron stood there with his wand pointed right at his eyes. Not a moment after he crouched down, the stall exploded over his head. He crawled under the wreckage to the next stall and one by one they blew up. Finally Harry stood up and to Ron's confusion, laughed. Tears were leaking out of Harry's eyes because he was laughing so hard.

"What's so funny?" Ron asked him looking very confused.

"Oh. It's just this reminds me of when we saved Hermione last year. You are like the troll and I'm like Hermione." he said still laughing.

"Oh." Ron said. Then he started laughing too. All of a sudden Hermione burst into the bathroom.

"Boys are you okay!?" She looked alarmed. Which only made the situation a lot funnier.

"Troll. Last year." was all Harry could get out before laughing again. Hermione caught on quickly and before they knew it, they were all on the floor laughing. After a minute of straight laughter they wiped their eyes and stood up. Hermione fixed the bathroom then the trio walked out as if nothing had happened. Throughout the rest of the time at the shop they shared smiles until they were exiting and ran into Draco.

"Potter." Malfoy spat in disgust.

"Malfoy." Harry responded coolly holding a blank face. Right as Malfoy was about to say something probably offensive, his father walked up to them.

"Mr. Potter. We meet at last...Forgive me." he said, pulling the scarred boy closer and examining the lightning shaped scar on his forehead. "Your scar is a legend, just like the one who gave you that scar." Lucius said.

"Voldemort was nothing more than a murderer." Harry's voice was filled with hatred. All of a sudden Mr. Weasley came up to the group.

"Well kids. We should go outside. It's a bit crowded in here" he said starting to usher the kids out.

"Well, well, well, Arthur. Fancy seeing you here. Surprised your kids are still going to school. They must be paying you overtime with all these extra raids...Judging by the tattered looking book in your daughters rusty cauldron, I think not." he sneered, picking up the book in Ginny's cauldron and putting it back in. "Come Draco! I don't want you to be near traitors and impurity any longer." Lucius called. Draco quickly hurried out of the shop and went to his father's side. They walked side by side to the fireplace and disappeared with a flare of green fire.

"Well kids we must be off. Let's go then!" Mr. Weasley said with a smile. He led them all out and left to go back to the burrow.

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