Chapter forty five

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"Hermione it's me! It's Draco." I said urgently. "We have to get out of here!"

"No! Don't touch me!" She slapped my hand away. "Unbind her!" Hermione moved over to Bellatrix and tried to untie her bonds. With tears in my eyes I stunned her and she fell to the floor with a thump. I picked her up and apparated away leaving everyone else to deal with Bellatrix.

Mom appeared beside me in the manor. She knew I was going straight for our secret library. I scanned book after book but found nothing. Mom was also looking beside me. I found the book Bellatrix must've used and read the description.

The Reverse Curse
Description: The victim will forget everything about them. But everything they feel strongly about now will switch. If they are against you they will suddenly want to protect you. Still unknown how permanent this spell works.
Cure: None

"No! She'll come back! She has to." I cried and fell at Hermione's side. Mom picked up the book beside me and read the spell. She frowned.

"I've heard of this before." Mom murmured.

"What?" I looked up at her confused.

"Hold on." She closed her eyes and put a finger up to shush me. "I got it!" Mom said excitedly. Her face suddenly dropped from happy to sad.

"What? What is it?"

"We've used this before. Well at least The Dark Lord did on one of his subjects I think just last year. He was working at the ministry and we needed moles and he was really influential. But since he kept snapping out of the Imperio Curse the Dark Lord needed something stronger like this." She said softly.

"What happened to him?" I asked.

"I have no idea. I didn't see him after that. We could try to track him down though." Mom said hopefully.

"There's no time." I groaned. "Wait!" I caught a glimpse of a book behind Mom and took it off of the shelf. It was a book of countercurses. I flipped through it furiously. "Here!" Triumphantly I put my finger on the spot and Mom came around beside me to look at it.

There is no cure for the reverse curse but time. Depending on how strong they are magically they'll snap out of their change of heart. They should get their memory back starting when they snap out of their change of heart up until when they're eleven. Every week they'll get one year of their memory back. But they may not develop the same feelings about someone they once had.

That was it. There was nothing more about it. Hermione started to stir.

"Draco?!" She gasped. She scrambled backwards from me.

"Hermione it's me!" I approached her quickly wanting to comfort her.

"Get away from me!" She sprinted out of the door into the manor.

"Wait!" I ran after her.

"Where are my parents? I want my parents!" She desperately shook a bewildered Remus Lupin who was on duty to watch the manor.

"Hermione are you alright?" He asked.

"How do you know who I am? Take me home! Take me home!" She cried. I sent a patronus to Harry telling him where we were. Within a minute he appeared in the hall and Hermione looked up.

"Harry?" She asked.

"Hermione it's okay. It's me. This is Draco remember?" Harry asked choosing a slower approach.

"Why are we here? Is this Draco's home? Get us out of here!" Hermione made a dash for the door to go outside.

"Hermione stop!" I tried to grab her.

"Get away from me! I hate you!" She yelled and slapped my hands away from her. Sobbing she went outside and Harry chased after her. I had a numb feeling in my body.

"Draco it'll be okay. She'll come around." Remus comforted.

"But what if she doesn't. Read this!" I shoved the paper about the countercurse into his hands. "It says but she might not develop the feelings she once had!" I blinked back the tears that were springing into my eyes. I twisted my ring around on my finger.

"She will. I'm sure she will." Remus said sounding like he was trying to convince himself at the same time. I shook my head and walked out of the door. Why me?

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