Chapter fifty nine

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The next week was hard. I wasn't producing as much milk that James needed because my nutrition was different since I only ate bloody meat. Thankfully his growth slowed down to the rate of a normal baby but slowly I was wearing out and growing more tired but tried not to show it.

"Ginny it's time to wake up." Harry said softly shaking my shoulder.

"I'm awake." I yawned and stretched my arms above my head.

"I'll go get James. You can get washed up first." Harry placed a light kiss on my forehead before leaving. I got up out of bed and wobbled a bit as I got slightly dizzy. After blinking quickly a couple times I braved a few more steps towards the bathroom. Just a few more and I would be in.

Unfortunately my luck didn't last. I fell face forward and hit the ground. The world was spinning above me and I struggled to keep my eyes open. My vision got blurry and I just made out Harry rushing into the room before the light faded and I was engulfed in a sea of black.

"Ginny? Ginny are you alright?" I blearily opened my eyes and squinted as they adjusted to the light pouring into the room. There was a tube running into my arm for some unknown reason.

"Fine." I smiled as I saw Harry's familiar face. "What happened?"

"You fainted just a few hours ago so I brought you here. They said it was because you weren't getting enough nutrition from your diet but was still overworking yourself to keep feeding James. These tubes are supposed to help give you more energy or something." Harry informed.

"Where's James?"

"He's at your Moms place. My Mom's there too. Don't worry he's fine. It's you everyone's more concerned about."

"I have an idea!" None other than Severus Snape burst into the room with a wide smile spread across his face.

"What is it?" Harry asked. "I also asked the order if they had any ideas of what could help."

"I think I can create a potion for Ginny to take. It'll allow her to have her old taste buds back and she can consume human food again. That'll give her the nutrition that she needs and  then she'll have more energy without these nonsense tubes." Severus announced.

"Brilliant! When do you think it'll be done by?" I asked curiously.

" see uh...I would need some help from our brighter potion minds." Severus said sheepishly.

"Who?" Harry's brow creased with a feeling he already knew the answer.

"Your mom, Hermione, and Draco."

"You don't think it'll be a little awkward?" I frowned. Draco and Hermione would be together probably meaning he would have to hang out with Lily.

"They're the brightest we have." Severus shrugged.

"If they're all fine with it, it's okay." Harry said.

"I'll go ask them all now. Until it's finished I'm afraid you'll have to remain here. But don't worry it won't take too long. Molly will bring James around later." Severus waved goodbye and left quickly.

"Well that's interesting." I said thoughtfully.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine. I feel much better than this morning." I smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me you were tired? I could've stayed home from work to help you."

"I know. But I didn't want to bother you. Everything will be fine now." I comforted.

"There's something else I need to tell you. But it can wait for later."

"No you'll tell me now." I raised an eyebrow.

"It's nothing big. There's a suspicion of a new rebellion rising. This one however is just a couple of wizards trying to cause trouble. But they're attempting to gather followers so we're going to squash it while they're small. I won't be going as I'll stay here with you but I just thought you should know."

"Never once will we get any sort of peace in our lives." I grumbled.

"Don't worry about it. Everything will be fine. However many people are going just to be sure from the order. It'll be my dad, your dad, Remus, Sirius, not Draco anymore as he'll be helping with your potion, and Kingsley."

"That doesn't sound like they're dealing with a couple of people causing mischief." I said doubtfully.

"They'll be fine. Don't worry it's all just in case they have more numbers than expected. I just wanted to stay with you because you're weak and will need help with James."

My insides started to boil. How dare he! I was more than capable of watching after our baby while he was gone for a day. I needed no help from him. "Just go. I'll be fine." I said shortly.

"Ginny I-" Harry realized his mistake too late.

"No. Just tell your father you can go right now. I'll be perfectly fine."

"Alright. I'll be back." Harry could tell he wouldn't get anywhere by trying to talk to me so he got up and left. I turned onto my side and closed my eyes. Quickly I sank into an uneasy sleep completely forgetting that James was supposed to be arriving soon.

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