Chapter sixty one

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James' P.O.V.
"Okay everyone. Today is the day that we'll eliminate this small threat once and for all. Let's go over the plan one more time." I said.

"Oh come on Prongsie. We've been over it only a hundred times." Sirius groaned.

"Yeah I think we'll be fine Dad." Harry said doubtfully. How could my own son turn on me like this?

"Last time we sent a spy to check out the place there were thirty witches and wizards there." Kingsley informed.

"There could be more though. How many did you say we had including ourselves?" Remus asked to nobody in particular.

"50." Arthur said.

"That should be enough. I'm worried there won't be enough for me to deal with." Sirius joked.

"Fine. You all should eat. We'll be leaving in two hours." I sighed. They all got up and left the table except for Harry.

"Dad why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Harry asked doubtfully. I came over to him and took a seat.

"If I'm being honest son, I do too."

"I know I was saying we'll be fine earlier but what if something goes wrong? There could be more numbers than our spies counted, a hidden underground lair, or we could be walking straight into a trap." Harry stressed.

"Don't worry about it. We'll be fine. Now I have to go owl your mother. I promised her I would owl her before we leave and send a patronus after." I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder before leaving.

My owl was resting in my room when I got back. Quickly I grabbed a quill and scribbled a note telling Lily we would be off in a few hours and that I loved her. To bribe my owl I fed it a treat to prevent him from biting off my finger. He grudgingly took the note and flew off.

After I tried once more to tidy my hair I left at a brisk walk to go eat dinner. The others were almost done but waited for me to finish my food. Sirius was attempting to lighten the mood with some jokes but this wasn't the time. The anxious feeling was setting in as the event drew near. Even after I finished we sat in solemn silence.

"It's time." I said after checking my watch. We stood up and walked out the building we were staying in. I sent out a patronus and within a minute all forty four people were there.

"You all know what's happening. Let's go." Remus said. He led the way towards the hideout. Harry looked solemn and ready to fight.

As instructed before we passed the last set of trees in front of the hideout we halted.

"Good luck to you all. I'll see you once we end these people. Kill if necessary. But it would be helpful to have a prisoner to find out more about these people." I said softly. "Let's go."

Immediately we rose out of our spots and charged. Alarms started to blare and there was a mixture of shouting and movement. Yet something seemed weird. There wasn't as much sound that would normally be if thirty people were in there. Suddenly everything clicked in my head. There was a mole in the ministry and they fed us false information. In an instant we were surrounded by a circle of people who were ready to kill. Spells flew everywhere and I took out person after person but somehow they kept coming.

"Stop!" One voice that sounded familiar said. The other side froze and backed away. I realized with a hollow feeling in my stomach that almost all of the forty four were dead.

"And who might you be?" A ministry member sneered. The girl instantly killed him.

"Romilda?" Harry frowned.

"Yes Harry remember me? Maybe this will make you think twice before you try anything." This Romilda girl said. A hand grabbed me from behind and held their wand to my neck.

"Dad!" Harry gasped in shock.

"I'll be fine son. Don't worry. Get out of here!" I said quickly. The last ministry member made a run for it and was instantly killed.

"Those people are really thickheaded." Romilda sighed.

"Romilda you don't have to do this." Harry said.

"Don't I? You've always felt at a higher level than me haven't you? Just because you're famous. You made me a laughing stock when I liked you. Should've thought twice before doing that. All of these people with me have been looked down upon. We fought in the war too but do we get recognized? No. Of course not. Just because we aren't worthy of being mentioned by the chosen one. Well this should teach you a lesson." Romilda sneered. Kingsley silently picked his wand up in his hand and I closed my eyes.

"Avada Kedavra!" Romilda yelled. I opened my eyes to see Kingsley on the floor dead. After everything we'd been through. Both wars he survived with us. Now on this supposed to be simple mission...he was dead.

"No!" I struggled against the person holding me.

"Hmm...who should I torture and send back to show what happens when you mess with me and this group?" Romilda said thoughtfully.
"Should it be you?" She asked and stepped close to Sirius. "Or maybe you." Her eyes flickered over to Remus. "How about we do you? The famous Sirius Black." She mused.

"Deal with him. I have no time for these things. Make sure he's in condition to survive an apparition trip and able to convey a message. Also do the test. Keep the rest as prisoners." Romilda walked away back into the house.

"Sirius!" I yelled. With one arm movement Sirius had multiple gashes on his body and blood was seeping through his clothes. They also put some spell I couldn't recognize on him though it didn't seem to have an affect. For good measure they put the cruciatus curse on him and kicked him. He looked back regretfully at us and I nodded for him to go. In anguish he crawled out of the anti-apparition charms, turned on the spot, and vanished.

"Get up. It's time to go." The man behind me said gruffly. Others were coming out of the house as they were leaving to a new location. This day had made a drastic turn for the worse.

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