Chapter fifteen

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~time skip to Order of the Phoenix ministry of magic d.o.m.~
Harry's P.O.V
      I looked around at all my friends and each one of them had a death eater holding them. Lucius Malfoy came up to me tutting. "Did you really think, that you teenagers stood a chance, against us?" he asked. "Now give me the prophecy. Or watch your friends...die!" Lucius yelled.

      "Don't give it to him Harry!" Neville roared. Bellatrix moved her wand to his neck.

      Don't do it Harry. It will all work out. Just don't give it to him. Ginny told me. I clutched onto it firmly. "No" I said strongly.

      "No? Wrong choice Harry" Lucius said shaking his head. All of a sudden there was an almost blinding white light behind me in the room. I looked around and saw Sirius with my father.

      "Get away from my son/godson" they said in unison. They both slapped opposite cheeks at the same time and jumped away resulting in a slightly dazed Malfoy. Then there were a bunch of other bright white lights as more of the order came. They freed all of my friends and started to duel the other death eaters. Sirius took me behind a rock. "I want you to round up the others and get out of here." Sirius told me.

    "No! I want to help!" I exclaimed.

    "You've done beautifully. But let me take it from here"

    "Black!" Lucius said taking out his wand. I helped Sirius and together we dueled him. I disarmed him and Sirius did the final move. When I heard Bellatrix yell "Avada Kadavra!"

    Jumping in front, I grabbed Sirius, and leaped out of the way taking him with me. We heard the explosion behind us of the spell hitting the wall. Bellatrix growled and we started to duel. Sirius smiled at me and we kept battling until Dumbledore appeared in the doorway. All the death eaters fled in fear so we walked out the door.

      Once we got outside we saw Voldemort standing right in the center of the ministry. "You were foolish to come here tonight Tom. The aurors are on their way." Dumbledore said.

      "Which by the time I shall be gone and you shall be dead" Voldemort replied. But at that very moment the minister of magic apparated in and saw Voldemort. Voldemort narrowed his eyes and disapparated.

      "He's back" the minister of magic stammered. He immediately started to apologize to us and reporters came. Dumbledore told us to take his arm to apparate back to Hogwarts. Once we got back Dumbledore had a talk with us and sent us back to our dorms. I was next to Ginny while Ron was talking to Hermione. I didn't know what to say.

      "So...We're back" I said awkwardly.

      "Yeah. We are" Ginny said. All of a sudden she burst out laughing.

      "What's so funny?" I asked.

      "Nothing. Just, why is it always so awkward between us? I want to make it something more." She whispered. We should probably talk like this now. I don't want Ron to kill me. I told her. He always ruins everything. She told me. I laughed and put my arm around her. You haven't kissed anyone yet right? She asked me. No. You? I asked. No. I want someone really special to be my first. But I want to wait until at least next year. She told me truthfully. Really? Who? I asked. You. She smiled.

      With that she sprinted ahead of me and went into the common room. Sighing I stared after her. My mind was whirling with so many mixed emotions. But one question lingered in my mind. Does she really like me? If so would I kiss her?

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