Chapter twenty seven

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Harry's P.O.V.
      Mrs. Weasley went to start dinner along with Fleur. Which left all the of the men. "Okay somethings wrong with Ron. He must not be in his right mind because-"

     "No" I cut Mr. Weasley off. "He loved Lavender in our sixth year. They snogged each other all over the place. He just didn't tell any of you. He actually really hurt Hermione that year. I think he probably just used Hermione until he found Lavender again. Especially when we were searching for all of the horcruxes." I said. Fred and George slowly nodded in understanding.

    "I had my suspicions. I saw a hint of that happening in fifth year" the twins said in unison. Mr. Weasley collapsed onto the couch rubbing his temples.

      "Well. Let's focus on Harry and Ginny's wedding for now and try to forget about Ron and that problem for now" Charlie said. Everyone else agreed.

    "So Harry! Where do you want to have it?" Bill asked.

    "I want to have it at Hogwarts. Which was my first real home" I said firmly.

    "We can definitely get that arranged with Minerva. I'll go owl her now" Mr. Weasley said.

      "Who is going to be your ring bearer and flower girls?" Charlie asked.

    "Teddy for sure as the ring bearer. I don't know for the flower girls. Ginny can pick that out." I answered. After what felt like hours which was actually minutes I thought of Ginny.
H:help. They're torturing me. With wedding stuff. Talking about all the details and that sort of thing.
G: just deal with it. I'm trying to find a way to tell Hermione about Ron and his problem.
H: I'll come up to help you. Hold on let me tell them.
G: okay
"I'm going to help Ginny tell Hermione seeing as I'm her best friend and all" I said. Running upstairs I opened Ginny's door. Hermione was under the covers on the bed reading. Ginny was pretending to read so she held a book. But her eyes were unfocused. "Hello" I said causing them both to jump. They glared at me while I rolled around on the floor laughing.

    "Hey that's payback from when you said I had a hippogriff tattooed onto my chest and when you laughed at me!" I said once I regained my composure.

      "Err...Hermione? I have to tell you something" I began.

      "Yes?" Hermione said raising an eyebrow.

      "It is very important to tell you but please don't freak out. Or kill one of us... well I don't really know how to tell you... but Ron's getting married..." I said slowly. Hermione's eyes widened. Then they relaxed so it looked like she was relieved.

      "I never really liked him anyways. I always knew he was probably just using me and was going to dump me sooner or later" She said passively.

      "Anyways... I like someone else..."

      "What?! Who?!" I exploded. Ginny put an hand on my arm to calm me. I took a deep breath. "Who?" I asked. Then it was her turn to take a deep breath...

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