Chapter fifty seven

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Ginny's P.O.V.
After a night of rest I felt much better. I opened my eyes and squinted as they adjusted to the light.

"Good morning." Harry smiled.

"Morning." I mumbled before stuffing my head back into my pillow. James started to cry. I grudgingly got up and went to pick him up. Once I saw him I gasped.

"What is it Ginny?" Harry asked and quickly raced to my side.

"He's...grown." I managed to get out. James must've grown at least three inches overnight.

"Should we take him into the hospital?" Harry frowned.

"No. There isn't a problem. He's just unique." I said calmly.

"Well we should at least take him to see the others. Actually they can come here. You two shouldn't leave the house for a little while." Harry sent out a patronus and we went to go get dressed.

I chose a simple pair of skinny jeans and a sweater to go with it. Thankfully my stomach shrunk back to its normal size again overnight. Quickly I brushed my teeth and went downstairs to make Harry some breakfast.

I examined the contents of our pantry and decided to make him an omelet. First I got the egg going and was cutting up some stuff to put in it when he came down.

"Something smells good." Harry grinned with James wide awake in his arms.

"Oh is that so? It's a shame this was for me then." I teased. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek before continuing.

"I'm going to go change James' diaper. Be right back." Harry carried James over to the living room and I put his omelet on a plate before starting mine. There were a few pops and our families walked through the door.

"Good morning!" Lily said brightly as she walked in.

"Morning." I smiled.

"Hello." Harry greeted as he came back with James. In an instant James was out of his arms with Lily and Mum fussing over him.

"Why's he so big?" Lily frowned.

"We don't know. It probably has something to do with the vampire part of him so I'm not worrying about it." I shrugged. They nodded and got back to what they were doing.

"Come over and eat your breakfast." I said.

"Sounds good. It looks brilliant Ginny!" Harry sounded impressed.

"Thanks." I grinned. The others made their way into the kitchen but James, Bill, and Dad weren't with them because of their work.

"How've you guys been?" I asked.

"Pretty good. The shops been doing really well." Fred smiled.

"Yeah. We've sold out quite a few times so now we have tons of everything in our storage which has had to double in size. Our selection of things to buy is growing too!" George said eagerly.

"Wow! Can't believe all of this has happened since I made you guys take the gold that I won from the tri-wizard tournament." Harry grinned.

"Us too! We'll always be so thankful for that. You shall always be our number one priority. Whenever you come be sure to take whatever you like! You'll be able to find pretty much whatever you're looking for in our shop." Fred laughed.

"All the dragons are doing quite well. Norberta is one of the largest dragons we have now." Charlie smiled.

"Really? She was so small when she first hatched." Harry said surprised.

"Yes we definitely wouldn't be able to transport her easily from the sanctuary to Hogwarts." Charlie raised an eyebrow. "Even those four for the tournament were crazy hard."

"What about you? How are you doing Ginny?" George asked.

"I'm doing fine. I feel great and thankfully nothing went wrong with James being born. At last we can have some peace for once in our lives." This time no patronus came in coincidentally after I said that. Nobody apparated to our door telling us that there was a mass uprising forming. There was just complete and peaceful silence.

"That's true." Harry nodded and finished his omelet just as I was starting. He got up to put the plate in the sink and cast a charm for it to wash itself.

"I'm sorry we must be getting back to the shop. We only wanted to leave Lorraine in charge for a little bit. It can get quite tiring. Bye guys!" Fred waved goodbye as did George and they both walked out.

"I must be going back to Romania too. I told them I would be coming back today. Goodbye guys!" Charlie embraced me for a second, nodded to Harry, and walked out.

"That was pretty good." I grinned as I ate the last bite of my omelet.

"How about you two go out? Ginny you can feed James really quick and then you and Harry should go out together alone. You've had enough stress in your life and need a break." Mom suggested.

"That's a brilliant idea." Lily agreed.

"Very well." I sighed. I picked up James who was currently being entertained by a toy and took him into our room.

Once he was done I wiped his mouth with a soft towel and grabbed my purse on my way back out of the room.

"Ready?" Harry asked.

"Yes." I nodded. Mom eagerly took James back and we walked out of the door.

"Where to?" Harry said goofily and offered his arm which I took.

"Diagon Alley." I smiled. He nodded and we apparated away.

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