Chapter twenty one

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Ginny's P.O.V
When I woke up the next day I yawned and stretched. I turned around in my bed expecting to see Hermione but it was Harry. Then it hit me. I was going to get married!! I looked at Harry and saw his emerald green eyes staring at me.

"Hello love" Harry said with a smile.

   "Hi" I said. Taking his hand in mine I  dragged him out of bed. Unfortunately I accidentally dropped his hand and he landed on the floor. "Oops!" I grinned. Dashing down the stairs I tried to beat him there kitchen.

Unfortunately seeing as he is sooooo athletic he caught up with me. He wrapped firm arms around my waist and rugby tackled me onto the floor. He twisted so he ended up on the bottom. "Someone didn't give me my morning kiss" Harry growled. I pretended to look confused.

"Kiss? I can go get my mum for you!" I said.

"No! Not her!" He moaned dramatically. I put my hands around his neck and pulled him close to me connecting our lips. Just as it was getting passionate of course Ron had to show up.

"Oy! Get of my baby sister!" Ron roared. As we were getting up Ron yelled "Stupefy!" pointing his wand behind me at Harry. Before I could do anything Harry was hit and got flown back flying straight into the wall. Angrily I went up to Ron and punched his face so blood started gushing out of his nose. Then I went back to Harry and gasped. He was covered in blood! His head must have been crushed! Taking his pulse I started to cry. It was getting fainter. Determinedly I blinked through tears, grabbed his body, and apparated to Saint Mungos.

I rushed in and asked the lady for help. "How may I assist you?" She asked not looking up.


"Sorry! Please come this way" she said. I followed her to a room only for one person. Laying him down on the bed I sat down a chair next to him as she called for a healer. Before she left she said it was the best healer they have.

But when the door opened I gasped. "Malfoy?!" I yelled.

"Hold on! Hold on! I changed okay! Now let me see him before he bleeds to death!" Malfoy yelled. Grudgingly I stepped aside as he took notes on Harry. He performed a few spells to stop the bleeding. Then he said "it was a minor concussion. It should be fine but there may be some side effects" Malfoy told me.

"Like?" I said with my eyebrows raised.

   "He might loose a bit of his memory" Malfoy said looking at me apologetically. Shoving him I told him to get out of the room and held Harry's hand. Sure enough the glow started to happen. It again, circled his body and went into his mouth. His eyes opened and he looked at me. He grinned.

"Hi Ginny" I lunged at him and took him in a hug. "Ron basically blasted you into the wall after he saw us having our morning kiss" I explained.

"He did?" Harry asked. "Hold on. What is that?!" Harry looked fearful pointing at my ring.

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