Chapter sixty

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Hermione's P.O.V.
Severus, Lily, Draco, and I were gathered in the dungeons where we all used to take potions classes.

"So our objective is to create a potion that will give Ginny her old taste buds back." Severus started.

"Can't we just use the Fundle potion?" Lily suggested.

"That will only provide temporary nutrition. We have to come up with one that she only has to take once and it'll last forever. I thought we could start with the base of a Taste potion and go from there." Severus said.

"Sounds good. That also will only take a few days maybe even one actually with all of us working." Draco nodded.

"Then let's get started." I said cheerfully. Severus projected the steps on the wall and we quickly got to work. Severus assigned me to work with Lily on crushing the ingredients, then passed them to Severus who added it in, and Draco who stirred. This potion called for many exotic ingredients. For example Lavender, a beetles eye, and even some gillyweed for who knows why.

"Can you go get some cocoa beans to crush?" Lily asked as she began to take the petals off of a flower.

"Of course." I nodded. Trusting my nose I traveled into Severus' old and hidden private stores. The smell came strong off of a small jar filled clearly with the beans. I took ten and sealed the top back on.

"Hey while you're there can you grab grass too?" Lily called.

"Yeah I got it." I said back. This was an edible potion obviously however I'm not sure if we'll be telling her exactly what's in it. I mean Harry and I took a potion with the essence of Crabbe, and Millicent Bullstrodes cat in our second year. She'll be fine.

Once I got back I handed Lily the grass and started to crush the beans. The powder ended up in a bowl and I handed it to Severus who was staring very intently at the potion. Without breaking his eye contact with it he took the bowl from me and slowly started to add it in as Draco stirred.

"After this lets eat lunch. We've been working for a long time and it has to sit out for an hour before we can finish it up." Severus said.

"Alright." Draco agreed and I nodded.

"Last thing." Lily added the now finely cut grass into the potion and Draco gave it one last stir.

"It looks right so far." Severus observed.

"We've made harder potions than this. With working together, we should have this potion done in no time!" I smiled.

"Now let's go eat! To the hall!" Lily brandished her wand dramatically and took the lead. Severus engaged in a conversation with her leaving Draco and I in the back.

"Hi." Draco smiled. I entwined my hand with his and smiled back happily.

"How was your job stirring?" I teased.

"That's not fair. I didn't have a choice." Draco complained. It was true as he did assign the jobs to us but I found a loophole to tease him even further.

"Well I mean he assigned us based on skill so..." I grinned. Draco's face turned cold and he glared at me.

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Of course!" I pecked him on the cheek and he rolled his eyes.

"Time to eat!" Severus interrupted and we opened the doors to the loud hall. After the attack the parents saw the protective measures we had in place ensuring the safety of the students, and let their kids stay. A hush fell over the students as we walked through the middle up to the staff table.

I was admiring the enchanted ceiling when Draco leaned close to my ear and whispered "It's not a real ceiling. It's just bewitched to look like the night sky. I've read about it before in Hogwarts, a History." He drew back and kept a straight face. How could he still remember me saying that after all these years? I wasn't even talking to him when I said it.

"These people as you all probably know are Mrs. Potter, Ms. Granger, and Mr. Malfoy. You will treat them all with the highest respect. They are here on business matters and will only be staying the day. Thank you." Severus took his place at the headmasters chair and Lily sat to the left of him. Draco and I took the two seats to the right of him and the smell of the food made me realize how hungry I was. Talk resumed in the hall once again and I started to eat.

"Did you see how much he have left for the base?" I asked.

"Not exactly sure. There were only like four more steps I think." Draco shrugged. "Then we just have to leave it overnight and come back tomorrow to manipulate it to fit Ginny's needs."

"Sounds good. Doesn't this remind you of the old days." I sighed and looked over the hall remembering the many times I would criticize the boys for not doing their homework and talk to Ginny about boys.

"It does." Draco agreed.

"When are they all going on that mission thing for the ministry again?" I asked.

"Tomorrow. I really wish I could go. It's been a while since I've had the thrill of battle." Draco said.

"You just did in the last vampire attack." I rolled my eyes.

"But that was too long ago. Compared to actually living in a war there are barely any fights anymore."

"And I'm glad for that. Now if you don't mind I'm going to finish eating." I snapped. Never did I appreciate war and seeing the person I love want to fight and possibly be injured annoys me.

"We must be off now. The hour for the potion should be done by now." Severus said getting up after a while.

"Alright." I got up as did Lily and Draco. I led the way down the steps to the main level of the hall and walked out swiftly but not in a rush.

"Geez Hermione you walk quickly." Lily said once we got out.

"I'm a very busy person." I grinned. We walked down to the dungeons and I couldn't keep focused on one thing. My mind wandered thinking about the ministry going to stop the small rebel force, Ginny's baby James, and what would happen if we couldn't make the potion. I shook my head to clear it as we came to the door. It was time to work and I needed to have no distractions. Everything else could wait.

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