Chapter forty seven

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Ginny's P.O.V.
I woke up in the morning to a soft chirping coming from outside my window. Harry and I finally moved into one of Lily and James many big houses which was still a beach house. As in the ocean was in my backyard. Harry's arms were wrapped around my waist preventing me from moving. My back was against his chest so I had no idea if he was awake or not.

"Harry love? It's time to get up." I tried squirming to get out of the hold but he just pulled me closer.

"No thank you." He muttered into my hair.

"You're applying for the auror position today remember?" I said exasperated.

"My Dad can take care of it."

"Harry James Potter if you don't get up right now..." I threatened.

"Okay okay! I'm up!" Harry grumpily picked himself up off of the bed and glared at me. I grinned and gave him a sweet but short kiss.

"I'll go make breakfast. Start getting ready." I put on my robe and slippers before heading downstairs. Today felt like a pancake day. I got out the mix and chocolate chips. After I measured out the amount of the mix I added the rest of what I needed. I charmed it to pour itself into the pan in pancake size and to flip it, then take it off the pan to put it on a plate, then repeat the process. I got out some bacon and after putting some on a plate, popped it into the microwave. The coffee was going automatically so I sat there and waited for something to finish.

"Ginny?" Harry called from upstairs.

"What?" I yelled so he could hear me.

"Where are my black robes?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"You do the laundry." He said back. That punk.

"Yes. And I always put your robes on a stack by the closet."

"Oh! Right!" Harry said. I rolled my eyes. Hermione had been getting better little by little. By now she almost has her full memory back but still doesn't feel the same was about Draco. I felt really bad for him. It would suck to be so close to eternal happiness with someone, then get it all snatched out from beneath you.

I made a plate for Harry putting a few pieces of bacon and some pancakes on it. I got out freshly washed strawberries and cut up a few to put it on the plate. Then I made my own identical plate and waited for him.

Finally he made his way down the stairs and sat down at the table

"Sorry I took so long. It took ages to get this all looking decent." He gestured to his head which had a lot of gel in it. Coincidentally some of his hair sprang up and I laughed.

"It didn't work." I grinned.

"Oh well. Dad's interviewing me. He'll understand." Harry shrugged. We ate in a comfortable silence and he looked at his watch. "Shoot I have to go. Thanks for breakfast!" He got up and embraced me. A wave of warmth fell over me at his touch and I looked up into his eyes.

"I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too." He kissed the top of my head.

"Good luck!"

"Thanks." After he put his wand in his robe he waved goodbye and disapparated. I charmed the dishes and pan to wash themselves and went upstairs to change. I wanted to tan outside so I got out a bikini. Even though it was only April, it was really warm. I brought out a reclining chair with me and laid down on it. The gentle ocean waves were crashing at the shore and I fell asleep peacefully.

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