Chapter eleven

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James P.O.V
I woke up to someone pouncing on me. "Stop that" I groaned. I heard two pairs of laughing so I peeked open my eyes only to find a pair of brown eyes right in front of my face. "Ahh!" I yelled and fell of the bed. Lily and Sirius started cracking up.

"Marauder getting pranked by his own wife." Sirius said shaking his head. "We might replace you prongs with prongslette." Sirius said seriously.

"You're gonna hang out with us today right Sirius?" I asked.

"Wouldn't miss it for anything" Sirius replied grinning. I rolled on the floor dramatically over to the closet and saw it closed. I opened it without thinking only to see Lily basically naked. Sirius was howling with laughter and I was lost for words realizing that she must've gone in while I was talking with Sirius.

"Sorry?" I asked.

"You punk" she growled. She grabbed me and pulled me into the closet and closed the door.

"There they go." Sirius said to himself. "Ugh. I'm glad they're back but they seriously just need to stop doing stuff like that. If they want to do that (makes a gagging noise) stuff. They need to do it when they're alone." Sirius continued. Then he lost it and cracked up not even realizing he was having an odd conversation with himself.

To Lily's surprise, all of a sudden I jumped up and pressed her back against a wall. I started snogging her when she stopped me and said "Not now." reluctantly I stopped and got dressed. We left the closet together but right when we opened the door we saw Sirius on the floor scrambling around to find something to do. "May I ask what you were doing?" Lily said.

"Looking for a mouse?" Sirius said as more of a question than an answer. I raised an eyebrow.

"Sureeeee. Did we have a rodent infestation I didn't know about?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Well come on then." Lily said leading the way out. We went into the great hall when we were bombarded with questions. We ignored them and sat down at the Gryffindor table. "This is Ron, Hermione, Dean, Seamus, and Neville." Harry said kind of glaring at us.

"Hello!" Lily said smiling. Right away the Hermione girl went to sit next to Lily and they started talking about school. For some reason the young witch was quizzing Lily. I wondered if Harry asked her to since Lily was supposed to be really smart. Hopefully he would believe us soon.

"So Mr. Potter-" The Seamus started raising his eyebrows at the name.

But suddenly I covered my ears "UGH! Please I'm begging you don't call me that. You make me seem old! Just James is fine" I said. Everyone laughed at a bewildered Seamus.

"So JAMES. How did you come back? You were supposedly dead!" Seamus tried again narrowing his eyes waiting for my answer.

"I honestly don't really know. I just woke up a few days ago at our old house. Then when we saw Harry was gone. So we came here to Hogwarts." I said.

"Wow." the Dean kid said in amazement.

"He passed our test." they said together shrugging at Harry. When breakfast ended Harry trailed behind me and I met Lily outside the door.

"What should we do today?" I asked.

"Well. Harry tell us how your first year at Hogwarts was." Lily said with a smile. "That Hermione girl was really nice." Lily commented.

"Yeah. Her and Ron are my best friends. Which you would've known if you actually asked Professor Dumbledore about me." Harry said rolling his eyes at us.

"I mean we probably would've if there was time. We do ask him a lot of things. He's a good guy Harry." Lily told him.

"Oh. So I guess your own son supposedly is just not worth your time then huh." Harry shrugged.

"Well anyway how's Ron?" Lily asked.

"You mean that red-headed guy who only ate throughout the whole meal?" I interrupted.

Lily slapped my arm and said "James! Don't talk about his friends like that!"

I grinned "coming from the person who hated my friends?" Lily rolled her eyes.

"So Harry you didn't tell us what happened in your first year." Lily said.

"Well let me see. Maybe if you stop making inside jokes between the two of you and actually let me talk I would tell you. But wait you always ask Dumbledore things right? So maybe you should just ask him." with that Harry sprinted off again angrily back towards his dorm. But not before being stopped by someone who he rarely ever talked to.

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