Chapter sixty six

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A.N. Okay I know I said I wasn't going to publish any more chapters for a while but...I'm in shock right now. This book has reached 100k reads! You have no idea how much this means to me. Thank you all for your love and support through this book! And now here's a special thank you chapter! Sorry it may be a bit short.

After I took James back to our house, I put him down to sleep. Thankfully today he didn't protest as if he could sense it wasn't the time to put up a fuss; however now that the house was silent I felt lonely. Everyone else was probably busy with their own kids and such so I went to our mini library.

There were many different books to choose from and in the end I decided to read one about caring for babies. I sighed, sat down in a large saucer chair, and started to read.

As time went on I kept checking the clock. It had been about an hour and a half since they left. The words in my book started to blur and eventually I had to gave in, and fell asleep.

"Ginny" A soft voice woke me up.

"Huh?" I rubbed my eyes and yawned to see Hermione in front of me.

"You're back!" I jumped up, suddenly alert, and hugged her.

"Yeah it went fine. No major complications at all on getting in and out." Hermione informed. But I had a feeling she wasn't telling me everything.

"Let's summon the order here. You have to tell us everything." I said. "And no joking around." That one was directed straight at Fred and George who were looking back as if saying "Who? Us?"

"I'll do it." Hermione volunteered. She cast her patronus and send it off with the message. Very quickly the room was filled with people.

"So as you all know, Hermione, Fred, and George went on the scouting mission. Just a minute ago they came back and have important news to share." I gestured for them to start talking.

"Overall it was successful. We had no complications obtaining the hairs and obliviating their memories. The place where they're being kept is in the third area we checked, which is the very heart of Azkaban. It'll be hard to get in and out but if we can find a way to do that, the rest shouldn't be too hard. It's just-" Hermione bit her lip and took a moment to recollect herself. "They don't seem the same." She finished in a whisper. Fred and George looked down at their shoes which was very unusual for them.

"Not the same how?" Lily frowned.

"Well-they didn't seem to recognize our voices. Actually I'm not sure they heard me at all. They just stared ahead of them mindlessly. Like they couldn't think." She sat down in a nearby seat looking troubled.

"Dad didn't seem to be capable of doing anything either. We didn't get to try and talk to them long but the person I know would've been already coming up with an escape plan." Fred said.

"Bottom line we need to get them out soon." George concluded.

"That's all very well but tell us more about the security. How can you get in, what are the patrols like, and how many people are in the prison at a time?" Mom questioned. Hermione rose once again to give more information.

"You can easily blast through the wall, there are about thirty people patrolling the prison, and as for your last question...they're all in there."

"A-all?" Some spluttered.

"Yes. It'll be very difficult to get them out. We almost got caught but passed it off as being new to the patrols and such. I'm not sure if we'll be able to get them out by force." said Fred.

"Well we sure aren't getting them out by being sneaky so that's the only shot we have. One. It needs to be planned out to the very last detail and have many backup plans in case something goes wrong." said Lily. I stood up and walked to the front of the room, projecting a piece of paper I was holding in my hand.

"Then let's begin."

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