Chapter fifty five

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In every passing week my stomach was growing larger. My family had finally come to terms with me being pregnant however weren't exactly excited about it. Mostly fear for my safety since we didn't know what may happen.

"Time to go!" Harry called from downstairs.

"Coming!" Quickly I put on some light makeup and stretched my shirt magically to fit my large baby bump. Once the baby was born I would switch it all back of course. I tucked my wand away and went down to Harry. It was Friday which meant family dinner night. Harry offered me his hand and I took it.

In a flash we were in front of the burrow and walked straight in.

"Hello!" Hermione grinned and gave hugs to both Harry and I.

"Hey Hermione!" I smiled. Draco gave me a side hug in a brotherly sort of way. We were growing closer together since he was spending more time around us because of Hermione and supposed we may as well get to know each other.

"It's larger!" Hermione commented.

"Yes Hermione I know. It looks like there's a watermelon under my shirt and I've only been pregnant for three months!" I sighed.

"Come! It's time for dinner!" Mom said. We shuffled over and helped take stuff to the table. Fred and George had work to do at their shop so they couldn't come, and Bill and Charlie both had official work for the ministry and also couldn't. But Harry's parents could come and so could Remus and Tonks. We all sat down around the table and dug in. Of course I had a nice chunk of raw meat but I tried to eat it with a knife and fork instead.

"Delicious as always Molly." Remus smiled warmly.

"I do hope it's all right. It was a new recipe." Mom said nervously.

"A lot better than Lily's cooking I have to say." Sirius grinned as he walked through the door.

"Sirius! I thought you couldn't come!" James grinned while Lily glared daggers at him.

"I got off early at the ministry today since I worked overtime last night." Sirius explained and made sure to take a seat as far away from Lily as possible.

"How marvelous!" Lily said sarcastically. As soon as Sirius sat down his chair vanished and he fell onto the floor with a thump. "Serves you right." Lily laughed.

"Nice one Lily!" Tonks grinned.

"Haha very funny." Sirius rolled his eyes and sat back down in a new seat. This one didn't vanish but his pride had already been hurt.

"How's the pregnancy going?" Hermione asked politely and changed the subject. She shifted awkwardly besides Draco as he chose a seat next to her. She still didn't feel the same way about him as she had before unfortunately.

"It's been alright. I've been having morning sickness though." I shrugged.

"It looks like you're expecting the baby any day now." Draco raised an eyebrow at my swelled stomach.

"I have no idea when the baby's actually coming. We'll just have to wait and see." I frowned.

"Hopefully everything will go okay." Mom said nervously.

"It'll be fine dear." Dad consoled.

"For now let's just enjoy this dinner." Tonks laughed and started to eat her food.

"How's it even at the ministry?" I asked James.

"We're recovering from the attack. However the magical creatures haven't made a move since then so hopefully they just back off." James shrugged.

"I'm just about pulling out my hair trying to figure out where to place all of the aurors." Sirius sighed.

"Yeah. Hogwarts is being very wary now after the attack. Many parents withdrew their students." Remus said.

"That's crazy! Where else would be safer than Hogwarts?" Draco asked.

"Everywhere but Hogwarts. I mean they've already attacked there before and said they would be back." Hermione pointed out.

"That's true." James said. "Hogwarts is a main target."

"Well we can worry about all of that later. For now let's just enjoy this dinner." Tonks said brightly. The effect was immediate as she turned her hair into a hot pink and we all smiled.

"How've you been?" Remus asked Hermione.

"Great! I've finally gotten all of my memories back and am trying to make more." Hermione grinned. Draco cast a longing look at her but she didn't notice. My heart twisted for him. He was crushed even though he tried to stay strong in front of her.

"That's nice." Tonks smiled. Everyone sat in a comfortable silence as we ate the rest of the delicious food as quickly as we could.

"Desert?" Harry asked.

"Sure. It's in the kitchen." Mom nodded.

"I'll come help you." I said quickly and got up. We left the table and saw the deserts. Happily I rushed up to get them.

Suddenly a clawing sensation started in my stomach and I screamed. Collapsing, I writhed on the ground in pain.

"Ginny!" Harry yelled. He desperately tried shaking me out of it not knowing what to do. There was bustling movement coming from outside and everyone burst into the room.

"Give her space." Draco ordered. Harry protested but stopped at he look he received. None of that lingered in my mind as the pain came in unbearable waves. "What's wrong?" Draco asked calmly while performing many different charms.

"Stomach-pain." I managed to gasp out.

"Oh my gosh..." Draco trailed off. "We need to get her to Saint Mungos! She's bleeding internally!" They immediately apparated me and Harry carried me in. My vision was going slightly blurry.

"Help!" Harry yelled. Healers rushing into the room was the last thing I saw before I fainted.

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