Chapter twenty

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When she didn't respond for a little bit. I started to get nervous. "Yes! Oh my gosh yes!" Ginny screamed. I stood up and put the ring on her finger. Then engulfed her into a hug.

"Should we tell everyone else?" I asked her. "Yes. Let's go down. But let's see who will notice the ring first." Ginny said.

I grinned "That's exactly what I was thinking." We walked down hand in hand. After we got down, our parents looked up immediately. They saw the ring and smiled but didn't say anything just like they promised.

We joined the party and went to get drinks. By the time we got home we were so tired. Surprisingly no one noticed the ring yet.

Until..."Oy! What is that!" Ron shouted pointing to Ginny's ring.

"Well Ron. In fact only a few hours ago Harry proposed and I said yes" Ginny replied matter of factly. Ron just stood there with his mouth wide open. Then his eyes rolled back into his head and he fainted. "Renerverate" Ginny muttered pointing her wand at him. His body jerked and he got up.

"You're way to young!" Ron shouted. That got everyone's attention.

"What eez 'ong?" Fleur asked. "Harry and I are engaged!" Ginny announced. All the girls started squealing. They took Ginny away and escorted her upstairs. All the guys but the dads pounced on me.

"What were you thinking?!"


    "You guys are way too young!"

"Great job Harry"

    "You better treat her right!" They said in age order all giving their input.

"Your DAD and MUM said it was fine. I already asked them" I told them. Bill looked at his father in disbelief.

"You actually agreed to this dad? Even I'm only getting married. My sister is engaged before I am?" Charlie asked.

"Their bond barely lets them to spend time away from each other anyways. They're already seen as married in the ministry's eyes. So why not?" Mr. Weasley reasoned. They all slowly nodded their heads in understanding.

Finally they all started to congratulate me, told me not to hurt her, and to treat her right. I promised I would never hurt her and that I wouldn't disrespect her. Then they turned more friendly. Ron was still kind of angry though. Once the girls came back down I went up to Ginny and kissed her forehead.

    "Well, we have the date, guest list, bridesmaids, and location." Ginny said looking tired.

"Well you guys can sleep together now I guess. Just don't do any funny business until you guys are actually married. Hermione honey, I'm sorry but you're going to have to sleep in Ron's room then. I hope you don't mind. You can sleep on the bed that Harry did." Mrs. Weasley said. Hermione nodded looking even happier than she already did if that was even possible. We all trooped off to our rooms.

Once we got inside I opened my trunk and grabbed my pajamas. We changed and got into bed. "I love you" I whispered.

    "I love you too" Ginny replied. I put my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. It felt like two puzzle pieces fitting together. I fell asleep with a smile next to the love of my life with a broad smile plastered on my face.

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