Chapter sixty four

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"They're back!" A man I didn't recognize said coming up to us quickly.

"What?" I frowned.

"James and them are back!" He repeated. I quickly shrunk and put the blueprints in my bag before sprinting off alongside the others. We arrived in the main entrance and I gasped. Sure enough they were there in the flesh. They must've been smart and found a way to escape; however there were many cuts and bruises on them.

"Harry!" Gasping I ran forward and Harry held his arms out to me. He embraced me and I melted into it. But something felt different. I had no idea how to describe it but it just Hermione and I made eye contact and she seemed slightly confused too. That's when it hit me. It explained their awkward standing positions when they were waiting. They would've immediately taken charge.

Immediately I stepped back and stunned all of them. "Take them as prisoners." My voice wavered and I blinked back tears furiously. Everyone was stunned. "Did you hear what I said? Take them away." I turned and walked off swiftly.

"Ginny? Ginny! What was that for?" Hermione asked.

"Do you really not know? Didn't it seem different to you?" I whispered.

"Polyjuice potion." She realized.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"How could we be so gullible?"

"I was blinded by love." I sighed.

"I'm sorry. We probably should've checked them first. I think we all were just really excited." Hermione apologized.

"One of the worst things for me was seeing their condition. Did you notice? They looked so beat up and worn out. We have to get them out soon."

"I agree." Hermione nodded. We walked in a comfortable silence. I tried to think of happy memories of Harry but that face of the imposter keeps popping up in my mind making me unable to focus.

"Form the line again please." I called out once we got to the Minister of Magic's office. After enlarging the blueprints I handed them out to the pairs, two floors per, and sent them off to work.

"I'll work with you." Hermione said gently. "Draco can work with Severus".

I nodded and we went into my office. We laid the rest of the floors of Azkaban on the desk and started working. Most of the cells were single ones but since she wouldn't have enough numbers to be spread out like that so they would be contained in the same cell. By the time I finished looking over the floor there were no spots that may contain them.

"Any luck?" I asked Hermione.

"I found one possibility. But it isn't as likely because it's an open corridor which would be hard to guard." She shrugged.

"Let's keep looking then." I got the next floor and scanned the layout. This time there was one possible place that they may be held and I circled it.

After we finally finished the groups started to trickle in one by one. Most of them came up with nothing but there were a few that did. Hermione helped me sort through them all and put aside the ones that would be easier for them to guard. In the end we had four with a possible fifth area that they might be kept in.

"Who's going to go?" She asked curiously.

"We're going to send in five people. I was actually thinking of sending in three instead. We don't need that many people to go in as they're just going to confirm where they're being held." I said thoughtfully.

"Yeah three will probably work. I honestly don't think you should go. I think a guilty feeling will overwhelm you so much that you would try to get them out yourself."

"Yeah I agree. I think we should send you for sure, maybe Fred, and George too. You and them are more than capable of doing the job quickly and getting out."

"Sounds good. I'll go notify Fred and George. They should eat dinner now so they can leave soon." Hermione placed a hand on my shoulder. "They've gone through worse before. I know they'll pull through." She said comfortingly before leaving.

Shaking away my dark thoughts of what Harry and the others might be going through right now, I started to make instructions on what they had to do and added the possible locations to check. I rubbed my eyes as a wave of exhaustion swept over me and let out a huge yawn.

Resting my head on my arms I closed my eyes. Before I could set an alarm to wake back up the drowsiness overcame me and I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

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