Chapter thirty

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Harry's P.O.V
      We all settled down for lunch when there was a knock on the door. Without waiting a male figure slammed the door open. He walked out of the shadows and I gaped at him. It was Ron. "Ronald Weasley!" Everyone shouted at the same time.

      "I saw Draco Malfoy and his mother walk out of that door a little while ago." Ron said pointing to the door he just came through. "I went off to cool down and came back." Ron said.

    "Why Ron? I mean I know you never really liked me and there was no spark between us. But you didn't have to blow off all of your friendships, and kill your relationship with your family" Hermione whispered.

    "I know. That's why I came back. To apologize." Ron said. His voice seemed automated and his eyes looked fuzzy.

H: I'm going to go get some veratiserum. Just trust me and keep him talking
G: Okay

      I rushed up the stairs and burst into my room. Quickly I grabbed a vial and went back downstairs. I snuck around to the kitchen, grabbed a cup, and filled it with pumpkin juice and with veratiserum. Then I went back to the room to see that everybody has calmed down a little bit. "Here mate. Take a drink" I said giving him the cup. He drained it quickly. Immediately knowing that I had little time I cast restraints around him and pointed my wand threateningly. "Why are you here?" I asked.

      "Lavender's family told me to, so I could get more information about you guys. You know we're trying to kill all of you. I didn't really want to so they imperioused me" Ron said pointing to everyone.

      "Why?" I demanded.

      "Because I told them how mean you guys were to me. They said they understood and started a mission to try to kill you guys. Did you know that they don't care that you guys revived Lavender? They just said that she was alive and that was all that mattered." Ron said. The effects of the potion started to wear off so I dragged the chair to another room. Gesturing for the rest of the family to stay there.

      "Do you like Hermione? Or have you ever? I whispered. Ron leaned forward right next to my ear.

      "No" he whispered. I took off his restraints to apparate him back to Lavenders house but then he pounced on me. He always was stronger than me. Ron held me to the floor and used the muffilato spell so nobody could hear us.

      Then, I let out a cry of shock as I fell. His wand shook but he still shouted "Crucio!" I screamed in pain. It felt like a thousand sharp knifes stabbing everywhere at my body. My body was writhing uncontrollably, and my eyes were welling up with tears. Knowing that the imperius curse probably wore off by now hurt. It meant that he actually wanted me to go through this much pain. That he "meant" it. After what seemed like an eternity which was actually a minute, small figures with red on their heads appeared in the corners of my vision and everything turned black...

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