Chapter 5

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We reached his house and went inside.
When we got inside, Aaliyah ran over to Shawn and hugged him.

"How was your first day at... Oh wow... Brought a girl home on your first day... Nothing funny Shawn."

i giggled.


"Shawn and I are friends and partners for a school project."

"OOOOOOOHHHHH.... Whoops..."

"Haha. Anyways, where's mum?"

The way he said mom is adorable.
A few seconds later, his mom came into the living room.

"Hey mum! This is my friend, Megan. Megan, this is my mum."

"Hi Megan its nice to meet you. I'm Karen."

"Nice to meet you too."

i stood up to shake her hand and then i sat back down on the couch next to Aaliyah.

"So, you're my brothers friend?"


"Do you wanna be anything more?"

i laughed.

"In a best friend way yes but in the dating way no. I have a boyfriend."

"Oh.. Who's your boyfriend?"

"Jack Gilinsky.'


"Haha, if i ever talk to him again then yeah definitely!"

"Wait what do you mean?"

"Well i just.... i heard that he's cheating on me with a girl who's supposedly my "best friend" but..."

Before i coud finish my sentence, She hugged me.

"I am so sorry Megan i didn't know if you had said it before i wouldn't have asked for you to say hi to him for me.'

i laughed. "It's ok Aaliyah. He's not worth my time."

She stopped hugging me and then we both laughed.

"Are you staying the nigh?"

"I mean i could.. there's no school tomorrow."

"There isn't?"

i looked at Shawn who was finally talking.

"Nope. The teachers have meetings the rest of the week but to be honest.. I think they're getting drunk."

"The teachers drink?"

"Yeah. Me, Gemma, Angelina, Chelsea and some of the jocks have been to one of their "meetings". They just party and then be hung over the next day."

He laughed.

"There is no way they actually do that."

"They do. You can even ask Jack."

My stomach started hurting a little when i mentioned him.

"Uh, Aaliyah can i talk to you?"


"Hey! Why'd you pick her?"

"Because Shawn, it's.. girl things."

"Oh.. ok then."

Aaliyah took me up to her room and closed the door.
It was a really nice room.
The walls were purple and her bed spread was grey, white and black strips and there were sports stuff on her walls and on her shelves.

"Nice room."

"Haha thanks. What did you need to talk to me about?"

"I wanna break up with Jack but I'm scared to."

"Why are you scared to break up with him?"

i started explaining to her that Jack can get angry very easy and if he hears something he doesn't like, he becomes abusive and by the time I was done explaining she had her hands over her mouth.

"Oh... my... god.... Megan how long have you been with him?"

"Since 8th grade..."

"5 YEARS?!"


"Has he ever hit you..."

I didn't say anything but Jack has hit me... quite a few times actually... I've had to lie about the bruises and say that i fell or i hit my arms and legs off something.

"He has hasn't he.."

i nodded.

"Megan we gotta stop this."

"I know Aaliyah and that's why i need your help. I need to figure out a way to break up with him without getting hurt."

"Ok um.. I'll think of something I promise and I'll text you or walk to your house when i figure it out."


We exchanged numbers and walked out of her room and back downstairs.

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