Chapter 28

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Megan's POV

As soon as I left the room, I pulled my phone out and called my mom.



"Megan what happened?"

"Sh-shawns in the hospital"

"What?! What happened?"

"Jack happened!"

"Well honey I can't exactly come to the hospital..."

"What? Why not?"

"I'm in LA with Tyler right now..."

"Gee, thanks alot mom you could have fucking told me you were going to LA!"

"I'm sorry Megan I just-"

"Yeah I know you were to caught up in your new boyfriend to even care about your own daughters feelings!"

"That's not what i-"

I hung up and put my phone in my pocket.
I leaned on the wall and slide down it so I was now on the floor.


I looked up to see my friend Matthew.
Matthew is one of the jocks but he's not one of the jerky ones.

"Hey Matthew..."

He sat next to me and looked at me worried.

"Whats going on? Why're you here?"

"J-jack hurt Sh-shawn.."



I looked at him and his face was red.
"I'm gonna kill him."

"Matt no please don't kill him.."

"Why not? He hurt your boyfriend and my friend I'm not gonna let that go!"

I stood up and so did he.

"Matt.. Just don't do it... Why're you here anyways?"

"I broke my arm again"

I laughed a little.

"What'd you do thi-"

"Megan.. Shawn wants you.. You're all hes talking about right now."

I turned around to see Aaliyah standing in the doorway.

"Ok. Bye Matt... I'll text you later."


I walked back into the room and saw Shawn talking to the nurse.

"Oh.. Looks like the girl you want is back."

Shawn looked over at me and his eyes widened.

"Megan... Oh my god..."

Shawns POV

I was talking to the nurse about letting me get up and go look for Megan but then she walked into the room.

"Megan... Oh my god.."

He eyes were red and puffy and so were her cheeks from the tears running down her face.

"Baby come here."

She walked over to me and I scooted over so she could lay down next to me.
She layed down and I wrapped my arms around her.
She didn't move very close though.. I'm guessing because she thought my ride side is the one that hurts.

"You can move closer princess.. My left side is the one that hurts."

She moved closer but still not talking.

"Mom, Aaliyah.. Can we have some time alone."

"Sure thing sweetie."

They got up and left the room, closing the door being them as well.
Now it's just us alone.

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