Chapter 20

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When the movie was over almost everyone was sleeping except for me and Ethan.
I don't talk to Ethan that much because he's either always facetiming Damien or Nate or hes filming or hes editing or hes out with his friends so I was thinking of something we could talk about but he beat me to it.

"So.. You and Shawn?"


"Do you love him?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course I do Eth..."

"Then why haven't you told him."

"Because... Unlike all of your relationships, mine always went wrong the minute one of us says I love you and I'm scared that if I say it, Shawn will leave..."

"You gotta take your shot Megan.... Like he says in Life of the party " Take your shot it might be scary. Hearts are gonna break"."

Hes right. I mean... Shawn could feel the same as me....
Oh my god this is the worst time to have Truly Madly Deeply by one direction playing in my head.

"You're right... But I'm gonna wait until the times right..."

"Good idea.."

"So... You and Blondie?"

"Her name is Rose and yes.. we're dating."

"How long?"

"A few months."



I got up off the Bean bag that Shawn and I were laying on and sat next to him on the couch.

"You were dating her for a few months and never told me?"

"Haha... whoops."

"It's not whoops you idiot you should have told me and then I wouldn't have been as rude as I was earlier."

"Like I said, whoops."

I hit his arm and then we both laughed a little.
Well that's is until the front door creaked open.
I jumped off the couch and landed on to of Shawn.
He opened his eyes and looked at me as my eyes were stuck on the door creaking open with no one there.

"E-ethan.... A-are you and Grayson trying to scare me? C-cause if you are y-you've succeeded."

"Megan I promise it's not me or Grayson."

"Oh my god!"

I put me face on Shawns chest and I was breathing a little heavy.
Shawn sat up and moved us so that we were inbetween the coffee table and the TV.
He pulled me onto his lap and hugged me.
Grayson and the Lozier twins woke up and saw that the door was opened and the girls started to freak.


They stopped freaking out but they hugged each other and were shaking a little bit.

"Shawn.. I'm scared..."

"Don't worry baby... If someone's out there I won't let them hurt you."

I cuddled into his chest as I stared at the door and the windows.

"Megan there's no one there..."

"I.. I don't care they may not be visible but still...."

"I'll go close the door..."

Grayson got off the couch and I perked up to make sure nothing happened.
He closed the door and locked it again as I let out a breath.

"Well now that that's over what do you guys want to do?"

"I wanna sleep."


I looked at Ethan and Grayson and rolled my eyes.

"Guys it's 3:15 in the morning.. Isn't that when creepy ass shit happens in horror movies?"

"Yeah but Meg we're not in a horror movie.."

"Then why tf did the door open?"

"Maybe someone opened it thinking it was their house and then when they realized it wasn't they left."

I looked at Samantha and I swear I was about to slap her.

"The door was locke- you know what I'm not gonna fight with you. I'm going to bed."

I stood up and walked to the hallway closet to grab a blanket.
As I opened the closet I saw a shadow outside the window.
I jumped back and covered my mouth when it stopped right in the middle of the window.


I ran back to the living room and sat on the beanbag chair with my knees up to my chest.
Shawn layed down next to me and pulled me down so that he could wrap his arms around me.
I think I'm just picturing this but then again.. It could be real.
My eyes started slowly closing again and then I was out cold.

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