Chapter 53 (part 2/4)

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Since it's Monday and it's the last Monday before school ends, we have a half day of school so I guess I was happy about that but what I wasn't happy about is that we have health first.
I am so not ready for this.
As shawn and I reached the school doors, Gemma and the boys came running over to me.

"Ok so Megan I wasn't crying about prom."

"But Harry said you were"

"Yeah I know but it was about something else."

"And what would that something else be?"



We all laughed and then went inside.
Shawn and I went to our lockers and Gemma and the boys went to class.
I was so nervous for this my stomach was twisting and I felt like I was gonna barf.
I'm guessing Shawn noticed cause he started rubbing my back and he have me a kiss on the cheek.

"You ok?"

I nodded and smiled and then once I closed my locker we went to class.

Sorry this is such a short chapter guys my next 2 are gonna e really long ones so I guess this little one is just to prepare you for the next 2 I guess 😂😂😂

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