Chapter 19

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When I got home, I saw Grayson and Ethan with 2 girls on the couch.

"Uh.. Hey guys."

The girls looked at me and frowned and then the really blonde one spoke.

"Back off honey, they're ours."

I laughed.


"I'm their sister dumbass. Next time actually ask who I am before assuming that I'm gonna date my own brothers 😂😂."

"Well you never know. They might be your only choice for a boyfriend."

"I have a boyfriend already."

"Prove it."

"Alright I will."

I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and dialed Shawns number.


"Hey Shawn!"


I heard Grayson laugh so they must be able to hear Shawn.

"Anyways, whatcha need baby?"

I blushed.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come over."

"One step ahead of you."

"What do you mean?"

"Go up to your room. Love you baby girl."

He hung up before I could answer and the blonde chicks looked at me and snickered.

"Did he reject you?"

"No he didn't you dink. He said to go up to my room so bye losers."

"Bye sis 😂."

I walked up to my room and the door slowly opened.

"Ok if this is some paranormal activity shit then I'm moving out😂."

I was pulled into the room and wrapped up in a pair of muscular arms while the door closed.
I felt little kisses on my neck and my jawline and then Shawn spoke against the side of my neck.

"Told you I was one step ahead."

I smiled a little but tried to hide it.

"Come on you cutie. Let's go downstairs so I can prove those girls wrong."


"Shawn stop acting like a child."

"Oh come on I know you like it and plus, I doubt a child could make you blush as hard as I can just by looking at you."

Ok he had a point.

"But Shawnniiieeee... We can have like a triple date and watch movies with theeemmm."

"Ok fine but only because you called me Shawnie."

"I guess I'll just have to call you that more often then."

I winked at him and then walked out of my room and downstairs to the living room with Shawn following really close behind.
Every step he took, his knee or thigh would touch my ass and I'm sure he was doing it on purpose but I still blushed like crazy.

"Megan, this is Samantha and the girl next to Ethan and Rose. They're the Lozier twins."

"Ok... Didn't really ask for their names but ok."

I was about to sit down on the big bean bag chair (that was almost like a bed) when Shawn layed down across almost the whole thing.

"I don't care if you're 6'4 I will kick your butt."

"You can't get at my butt so ha!"

"Sshhaaawwwniiie come ooonnn move over or I'll lay on you."

He didn't say anything, he just grabbed my wrist and pulled me down so I was laying next to him while wrapped in his arms.

"Ok.. This is better. Aye Gray Bay what movie are we gonna watch?"

"We're gonna watch Harry Potter."

"YAY! Which one?"

"Uuuhhh this one."

The one he had brought up was the 3rd one. (A/N: I know what it's called I just can't think of it because its really late rn 😂😂)

"Yaaayyy 😊😊"

He pressed play and I snuggled in closer to Shawn and he planted a few little kisses on my neck before all of our attentions were turned to the TV.

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