Chapter 13

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As soon as we walked out of the house, Damien started acting like the guys do in 50 shades of grey. Well, not as bad as them (A/N: I have not watched that movie or read the books and i won't for a long time im just guessing that some of the boys in that movie act this way xD). But he only started acting this way when we left the restaurant and were on our way home. This plan of mine has taken a complete turn in a different direction.

"Damien get your hand off my ass!"

"Oh come on babe I know you like it."

"I don't like it Damien so if you wanna keep your hand, get it off my ass."

"Dayum girl. You're a feisty. "


He moved his hand and I continued walking. We were about 25-30 minutes away from my house so thats why we walked to the restaurant. As I got close to the house, Damien grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"Damien let go of my wrist."

"Oh come on..."

He started placing little kisses on my jawline and my neck and trust me, I hate when guys do this.

"Damien stop it!"


"Because I don't like it."
"Yes you do!"

"No I don't."

"Trust me I know you do. I've seen Jack do it to you and you loved it."

That's it. If he wants to bring my abusive ex into this I'll play that game to.

"Oh yeah well I've seen Samantha (Samantha is his ex girlfriend. they were together 8 years) do this and you loved it."

"Do what?"

I lifted my knee up and kneed him in the nuts as he hunched over.


"trust me, I know you do" I said mockingly.

I started walking towards the door when he basically tackled me.

"What the fuck!"

He started trying to kiss me but just as he did Shawn walked out.

"Alright Gray I'll se- WHAT THE HELL!"

Damien jumped right up and I did too but I ran and stood behind Shawn.

"What the hell were you doing?"

"Doing what she loves. Jack did it-"


"Ok well you loved it when he did it so why don't you like it when i did it?"

"Because I don't like you Damien. I was doing this to be nice but you're like a brother to me and I'm not dating my brother."


"Damien you should leave."

"I'm not listening to you, Canada."

"I said LEAVE!"

Damien rolled his eyes and walked off the porch as Shawn turned and faced me.

"You ok?"

"No. I feel violated...."

"I would to but I have a question...."

"What is it?"

"Would you like what he did if someone you liked did it..."

"Yeah but the guy I like doesn't like me back so that won't happen."

"How can you be so sure that he doesn't like you back?"

"I just know he doesn't.. even if my friend told me that he did... She could have been lyi-"

I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine. Shawns. They were so soft and our lips moved in a perfect sync. It's like we were mean't for each other. I felt butterflies in my stomach as our lips pulled apart and his formed into a smile.

"Well now I'm pretty sure he likes me back."

"And I'm 1000% positive that my crush likes me back too."

I smiled and hugged him.

"You wanna spend the night with me?"

"Yeah but do you wanna spend it at my house?"

"Yeah sure.. but why?"

"Grayson and Ethan have girls over plus Jack and Jack are there.. I don't think you wanna go in there."

"Haha no you're right. Lets go to your house."

"Alright ma'lady."

I laughed and held his hand as we walked to his house.

Ok so maayybbeee the plan sort of went how i wanted it to go because Shawn kissed me but at the same time he wasn't jealous but I'm sure he'll get jealous in the future and I wanna be there to see it.

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