Chapter 9

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When I woke up, I was still wrapped up in Shawns arms which caused me to smile to myself a little. I moved around a little, trying to get out of his grip and trying not to wake him up but I failed. He moved around a little bit and stretched and yawned.

"Good morning."


"I'm gonna go downstairs and see if my mom is home."

"Ok. I'll be down in a few."


I was about to get up when Shawn stopped me. He rubbed his thumb across my cheek and I flinched.

"You've got a bruise on your cheek Meg..."

"I know..."

"I don't mean a little bruise I mean it's the size of the palm of my hand.."

"Oh well.."

"Oh well?"

"Yeah.. it's not like my mom or brothers will care.."

"Well I care so when I get down there I'm making you put ice on it."

"Yeah yeah whatever mom."

He laugh.

"If anything, I thought you would have said 'dad'."

"Pfft, in your dreams."

I giggled and got up and went downstairs. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I saw My brothers, my mother sitting on the couch with..... Jack....


By this time, Shawn was standing behind me.

"Look Megan, I came to-"

"Save it, Jack. You hit me yesterday! Nothing you can say or do will make me forgive you..."

"What about this?"

He leaned down and kissed me causing me to punch him in the guts.

"Don't fucking touch me! How many times I have to tell you that!!"

"You shouldn't have to because I'm your boyfriend."

"No you're not! I stopped dating you last night when you slapped me!"


I was about to speak but Shawn beat me to it.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Jack! You hit a girl! You've been hitting her for the past 5 years! How do i know this? She told me! You have no right to be hitting her or anyone else and saying 'sorry' won't fix any damage you've done!"

I looked back at Shawn who was looking at Jack like he was about to rip his head off. Wow. I never thought I'd hear that."

"Excuse me but are you her boyfriend?"

"No, I'm her best friend. You on the other hand, are NOTHING to her so just leave!"

There was a little pause and then Grayson spoke.

"He's right Jack. I can't believe you hit my sister and I know i wasn't much help to her and I'm sorry for that Megan but she's my sister and I don't want you to speak to her or be near her ever again and right now, it's best if you leave."

Jack looked at Shawn and I and glared at Shawn.

"This isn't over, Mendes."

"Pretty sure it is.."

Jack huffed and then walked out of the house. I looked at Grayson, Ethan and then at my mother.

"Fucking hate you, mom. If you had been home last night and not fucking Tyler, I wouldn't have been hit and I wouldn't hate you."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me!"

She shut her mouth and just looked at me.

"Well if you hate me so much then I'll just go back over to Tylers."

"Go ahead but next time, try being a better mother!"

She walked out of the house just like Jack did. I swear to god I'm gonna scream at someone.

"If anyone else wants to leave go ahead! I could honestly fucking care less."

Without saying a word, Grayson and Ethan were out the door and for some reason, I thought Shawn went with them so I called Gemma.


"Gem I need to vent..."

"Ok boo, go ahead. Let it all out."

And that's when everything came flowing out.

"Fucking hate this! There's a dance next week and I was supposed to go with Jack but now I've got no one! I don't even know if I can go before Jack kills me! I swear I literally just threw everyone away! EVEN SHAWN! Don't even know why he's talking to me other then because of the project. I know he said he wouldn't but I bet that if he had the chance to he'd go and hang out with Johnson and Devon and Cole and every other jock in the school! I'm pushing people away Gem, I'm probably even pushing you away with all my fucking moods!"

I was in tears of anger and scaredness.
I put the phone on speaker and set it down on the coffee table as I had a mini freak out while Gemma tried to calm me down.

"Megan listen to me alright? You are not driving everyone away. Especially not me. I see the way that Shawn looks at you and I can tell you right now that if he had the choice to hang with the jocks or with you, he'd pick you. After you were sleeping last night, he texted me and told me something I'm not supposed to tell you but I will because it might make you feel better. Megan, Shawn loves you and I know you love him by the way you act around him so don't think you're pushing everyone away because you aren't."

Oh my god... did she just say what I think she did?

Shawn loves me?

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