Chapter 29

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Megan's POV

I was laying next to Shawn not saying a word but I was thinking.
What would have I done if Jack had done something worse?
What if he comes back and hurts him again?
What if he turns Raiden into a mini him and he ends up hurting Aaliyah?
All these thoughts are making my head hurt like hell!

"Megan.. Why haven't you said anything to me yet?"

"I... I don't know..."

"You must know."

"But I don't Shawn... I have so much stuff going on in my head I feel like it'll burst."

"What are the thoughts?"

"Scary ones, Shawn... Very scary ones."

"Like what?"

"Jack could come back and hurt you again but maybe even more severally that I could loose you.... Jack could turn Raiden into a mini him and Raiden could end up hurting Aaliyah...."

"That's not gonna happen Megan..."

"How do you know that? You don't know what Jacks capable of. For all I know, if he really wanted to, he could kill a whole city in a day. Hes a scary person... God only knows what he'll do..."

"Megan... Look at me..."

I looked up and him and he leaned his head down a little and kissed me.
It was a long and passionate kiss but when it was over, I felt the urge to kiss him again.

"It's not going to happen.... I know that if you really wanted to, you could beat the shit out of him."

"But I don't want to...."

"I know you don't want to... But I know you can."

I smiled a little and then kissed him again.
When I pulled back, I rested my head on his shoulder and pulled my phone out so I could go on Snapchat.
I was bored and I didnt know what to do so I just watched some people's storys.
Most the people from my class posted on their Snapchats that they hope Shawn and I are ok and that they're going to get Jack back.
A few people even messaged me.
I smiled at their kindness.
Usually when something bad happened to someone from our school, not many people would care but I'm guessing that since its Jack who did it, everyone cares.

"Whatcha smiling at?"

"What'd they do?"

"They're being nice... They're hoping that you get better and they said they'll get Jack back for this."


He went grabbed my phone and went to the camera and took a video.
'Thank you to everyone wishing that I'll get better. I know I will I'll just need to rest quite a bit but luckily I have this amazing girl to help me with that.'
He kissed my forehead and I smiled as the video ended.
He posted it to my story and then gave my phone back.
Eventually, Karen and Aaliyah came back in and said they're going home.
I decided that I'd stay with Shawn for the night.. Or for however long he has to stay in the hospital.
I put my phone and cuddled up closer to him.

"I love you."

"I love you too Megan.. So so much."

I smiled to myself and then fell asleep.

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