Chapter 50

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Its a bright sunny day and Shawn, Gemma, Harry, Niall and I are at the park.
We were sort of silent but then Gemma started talking.

"C'mon Harry. Lets go in the water!"

"But our clothes will get wet..."


He smirked and they went into the water leaving just Shawn and I.
Not sure where Niall went but oh well.

"Hey Shawn can i ask you something?"

"Yeah sure!"

"How much do you love me?"

he paused and then looked me dead in the eyes.

"Ive never loved you, Megan. You're pathetic, a slut and a dumbass. You should have killed yourself years ago but you didnt so here, let me help you with it!"

I started shaking like someone had just poured cold water on me and threw me in a pile of snow.

"Sh-shawn.. what are you d-doing..."

All of a sudden, i felt myself be trapped and unable to move but no one was holding me.
I tried to scream but i couldnt.
Shawn started coming at me with some type of swiss blade.
he got closer and closer everytime i blinked.
Once he was close enough, his eyes went black and there was nothing around us but a white room.
I looked at his face closely and his mouth started turning into a smile kind of like freddy Cougars.
As his blade got closer and closer to my neck, everything went black.

I shot up from my spot on my bed and started crying qnd having a full on panic attack.
I got up and went into ny bathroom.
I looked in the mirror and my hair was a mess.
My eyes were red and so was my face from the lack of breath and i was still crying as hard as i could.
I covered my face with my hands and tried taking deep breaths.
As i was doing so, i felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and i jumped forward, hitting my stomach off my bathroom counter.

"Fuck that hurt."

"Im sorry princess. I heard you crying so i came in and just.... i wanted to calm you down before you thought about doing what Jack said..."

i was still trying to catch my breath and my eyes were still watering as i looked at his.
I could tell he was hurting too from seeing me like this and i instantly hugged him.
he hugged back and rubbed my back as i cried.

"Please dont cry baby. I hate to see you like this... what happened?"

"My dream i had.. it felt so r-real."

"What was it about?"

I explained my dream to him and he was almost in tears.

"Babe why would you dream that?"

"I dont fucking know but i hate it! Ive never had a dream like that. Not even when i was dating Jack. I guess im jist scared you'll leave me for Mackenzie or something 😞"

"Meg, i promise i love you and only you. I would never think of doing that. Never in a million years. You're my princess and i'd never hurt you"

I smiled a little and he did too.

"Its 5 am and we have to get up for school in a few hours..... do you want to go to bed or do you wanna stay up and watch tv?"

"I wanna stay up... i domt trust my brain enough to go to sleep again."
"Ok then. Staying up it is :)"

We went back to my bed and layed down.
Shawn turned the TV on and wrapped his arms around me and in a matter of minutes, I was passed out.

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