Chapter 27

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Shawn was passed out in the hospital bed and I was sitting in the chair next to the bed waiting for Karen and Aaliyah to show up.
Soon enough, Aaliyah came running in and hugged me.
She was crying and it made me start crying a little too.

"Megan what happened?"

I looked at Karen, who also had tears in her eyes.

"I... I...."

I couldn't even speak without breaking into tears again.
Aaliyah continued to hug me and I continued to hug her.
Karen came over and sat on the edge of the bed that was closest to me and rubbed my back.
I calmed down enough that I could talk and Aaliyah sat in the chair next to me.

"W-we were at the movies a-and Shawn n-noticed Jack starring at my c-cousin and then him and I started acting like a c-cute couple, not on p-purpose but after w-we got our snacks, my cousin and I w-went over to the popcorn s-stand and then I started talking to j-johnson and I... I heard Shawn groan and fall to the floor and w-when I looked u-up.. He was gripping his side and J-jack was hovering over him so i-i ran over to them and I got j-johnson to call an ambulance f-for Shawn while I yelled at Jack and the whole ride in the ambulance he wouldn't let go of my hand and I wouldn't let go of his and I just..."

I took in a big breathe and then left the room to take a walk.

Shawns POV

I woke up in the hospital and the first person I thought of was Megan.


My mom's head turned to me and she covered her mouth as her eyes started to water.

"Mom where Megan?"

"Honey, she went for a little walk to calm down.. Shes cried alot since you guys got here, Shawn... She needed the break."

I looked at my side and it was all bandaged up and all I wanted right now was Megan.

"Mom.. Please get her.. I need her."

"Shawn she needed a little break fr-"


My mom shock her head and switched places with Aaliyah.
She looked at me with tears in her eyes as well only her eyes were already red and puffy.
I hate seeing her like this.
She leaned down and hugged me and I calmed down a bit.

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