Chapter 37

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I woke up the next morning a few minutes before my alarm so I just turned it off and got up and got ready.
Once I was ready, it's was 7:40 and I have to be at school by 8 so I grabbed my bag and walked out.
Once I closed the door I saw Shawn walking and I instantly started leaking fast towards Gemma's, ignoring his calls from behind me.
I reached her house and then we started walking to school.
Luke, Calum, Michael, Ashton, Harry, Niall, Liam and Louis were behind us but infront of Shawn.
Gemma and I were talking until Niall spoke.

"Uh, Megan... The boy behind us is calling your name.."

"I know that and I'm ignoring him at this moment."


He laughed a little and then Gem whispered
"Meg, why're you ignoring him?"

"I'll tell you in French"

'Ok' was the last thing she said to me before we walked into the school.
The 8 boys went to the office to get their schedules and Gem and I went to our lockers that were luckily beside each other.

"Can't believe our 2 week spring break is over."

"I know right! It went so fast!"

I saw Shawn walking my way but then he got cut off by the boys walking my way which made me smile for some reason.
Luke smiled back at me and said

"Looks like we're all locker mates :)"


We all laughed and then grabbed our stuff and went to French.
What I'm not going to enjoy about this class is that Shawn sits behind Gem and I so he'll probably be starring at the back of my head the whole time.
We got to class and sat down and then it was time to tell Gemma.

"Ok, we're in French, now spill."

"So Shawns dad told him, Aaliyah and Karen that he was leaving them for another girl he met. Shawn was upset and so after dinner when Karen left to do something and Aaliyah was in her room I tried to cheer him up the way I normally do but it wasn't working and I was thinking of numerous things and none worked and he yelled at me and said that I had no idea what its like to have my dad leave me."

"I thought you told him that your dad left you when you were younger."

"I did but he obviously didn't listen and so after that, I apologized for trying to cheer him up and then I left."

"Oh wow.. What an asshole."

"I wouldn't go so low as to calling him and asshole but I'll definitely say that he wasn't the nicest."

She laughed a little and said
"wow, Shawns brought a soft side to you."

"No, not really, haha"

We both laughed and I heard a chuckle from behind me which of course was Shawns and of course, it made me smile a little but it hurt to.
Moments later, Mme. McMahan came in and class started.

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