Chapter 38

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She didn't say much, she just told us that we can listen to music while we work on sheets of work so I of course turned around and reached into my bookbag to grab my headphones.
I noticed Shawn already had his in and he was drawing or writing something.
He kept looking up and me and then the paper.
I closed my bookbag up, put my headphones in and played my music as I started to do my work.
I surprisingly finished my work just in time for class to end.
We gave her our sheets and then left to go to Science where of course, I sit with Shawn and Jamie. But also Gemma so :))
If you're wondering who Jamie is, he's one of the Jocks and he has a crush on me.
I was at my locker with the boys and Gemma when Harry told a funny joke for once.
Niall burst out laughing and Liam just looked at him like he was dying.

"You alright mate?"

He continued to laugh and I started to as well.
Well that is until Shawn walked by.
He looked sad but I wasnt sure how to react.
I just grabbed my books and the boys, Gemma and I went to Science.

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