Chapter 34

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I slowly walked over to his bed and sat down.
He didn't say anything. He just looked at me like his dog had just died.
I looked over at Aaliyah and she was looking at me too.



"What did you tell him..."

"I told what mum told us..."


"Aaliyah... Uhm.. Karen was going to wait until dinner to tell him.."

"She never told me that..."

Shit.. Again!!! Was I the only one Karen told that to?


"Yeah... I-im gonna go help her cook.."

Aaliyah got up and left the room, closing the door behind her.
It was quiet and I mean the awkward kind of quiet.
I was trying so hard to think of something to say that would cheer him up but everything I thought of was wrong.


My eyes shot up and looked at his.
They were full of tears and they were red from how many times Shawn whipped them away.


"Why do you think h-he left us? He promised mum at their wedding that they'd be together f-forever..."

"Sometime, people don't understand the promises they're making. They think it's the right one but then when they finally figure everything out... They realize it was a promise they can't keep.. That theyd never be able to keep it unless it was with the right person. And I know, you thought Karen and him were a good couple and I mean, I did too.. I still do... But when he wasn't showing up for dinner with us and didn't show up when you were in the hospital.. I kind of figured someone was going to happen and im sorry it did Shawn.. I really am... I'm s-"

"Do you know the promise you're making?"

He interrupted me.... Cute 😊

"What do you mean?"

"You promised you'd be with me no matter what and that you'd love me no matter what.... Do you understand your promise?"

I was shocked.
Of course I understand the promise I'm making.
I love him... I really do and he needs me to say that I do right now and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

"I understand it 1000% percent baby.. Please don't think different."

He smiled a little and then said

"I need you here for me Megan.. Please... Don't leave me.... Ever."

He said the last bit in almost a whisper before he bursted out crying.
I instantly reacted and sat on his lap, straddling his waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him.
He hugged me back and continued to cry.

"It breaks my heart to see you like this Shawn.."

"I'm s-sorry.."

"It's not your fault and you know it Shawn."

I kissed his cheek and then we continued to hug which soon turned into us laying down and cuddling and then we both fell asleep.

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