Chapter 23

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We sat there in silence until he leaned in and started kissing me.
The kiss lasted a while until someone burst into my room.

"HEY GURL IM- Oh.. You're busy..."

I pulled away and Shawn frowned and then I looked at the door.

"Get out Andrea!"


"Because I'd like some alone time with my boyfriend..."

"Hes your boyfriend? Wow.. You finally got one.. Congrats."


"Ok ok fine."

She closed the door and I put my head in my hands.

"Baby she looks nothing like you."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better Shawn."

"No I mean like, her face looks nothing like yours."

I looked up at him as a tear shed from my eye.
He quickly wrapped his arms around me and hugged me as I started to cry.

"Don't cry Megan please you're gonna make me cry.. whats the matter."

"What if Jack thinks she's me and then hurts her? I can't let that happen to her. As much as I hate her, she's my cousin and I don't want him to hurt her."

"I'll protect you and her both ok?"

I sniffed and mumbled a yes but I couldn't stop crying.
The thought of Jack hurting my cousin thinking she's me made my stomach turn and my head hurt.
She's my cousin and as much as we don't get along, I still care and love her.
We sat there, still hugging, as my aunt and her new baby came into my room.

"Megan... Do you wanna hold your new niece?"

I lifted my head off Shawns shoulder and looked at her.
I instantly smiled when I saw the baby she was holding.
The baby was starring right at me and smiling causing me to smile as well.

"I'd love to hold her.... Whats her name?"

She handed me her and said

"Her name is Emma."

"Beautiful name."

"You wanna know why I chose it?"


"Because it's your middle name. You and I have had some really good times together so I wanted to name her sort of after you."

"Awh Jess you didn't have to do that."
"I know but I wanted to."

She smiled and I did to.
I looked down at Emma who was smiling at me.
I got up off my bed and started walking around my room with her and talking to her.

"Hi Emma... I'm your cousin, Megan. I'm just 16 years older then you so we're not that far apart."

She smiled and I continued talking, forgetting about everyone else in the room.

"Your cousin in-law's name is Shawn. Hes a singer. A really good one too. I really love him you know. I sure that when you're older and can talk and know people better you'll love him too. He can give you singing lessons and guitar lessons and all that other fun stuff. He likes muffins too so I think my nickname for him will be muffin. And my nickname for you... I'm not sure yet.. I'll figure something out."

She let out a little giggle that i thought was absolutely adorable and continued talking. Forgetting everyone was still with me again.

"You know... Your mommy and I are really close but your sissy and I aren't. I wish we were though. It's kind of hard though when she looks exactly like me and people get us confused. I know that she never meant to take my old boyfriends from me but a part of my brain says that I should be mad. Well.. Every one accept one who I hope she never meets. That boy was a really bad boy and I hope that when you're older.. You won't make the same stupid mistake I did and you'll make a good choice on who you date but just remember this; looks can be deceiving... Always go for whats on the inside... Not the outside.... That's what I did to get Shawn."

I smiled at her and continued to rock her side to side as she fell asleep.

"Megan that was an adorable talk you just had with her!"

My head shot up to see Jessica and Shawn sitting on my bed starring at me.

"Haha.. Thanks. To be honest I kind of forgot you guys were still in here."

"We kind of figured that out. It's what babys do 😂😂"

"Well Jess im gonna give you your baby so I can spend time with my baby"

She chuckled and got up.
She took Emma from my hands carefully and walked out of my room; closing the door behind her.
I smiled to myself as I walked over and sat next to Shawn on my bed.

"You're really good with kids you know"

"I know"

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