Chapter 8

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The movie was almost over and I was getting kind of tired and I'm guessing Shawn was too because he yawned a couple times.

"What time is it?"

i rolled over and grabbed my phone off my night stand.

"It's 10:30.... not even that late."

"I know... Do you mind if I stay the night? You know to uh... make sure you don't kill your brothers."

"Shawn you don't have to come up with an excuse. Of course you can stay the night. :)"

"Good :)"

He pulled his phone out and we took a selfie for his Instagram. The caption was 'Sleepover with bae' and then 2 blue hearts at the end with my username. Once it was uploaded, I instantly liked it and once again, my notifications were going crazy!

"So do you have a gue-"

"Shawn you can sleep in here with me you know."

He smiled and then I got up and walked to my dresser. I grabbed a tank top and a pair of grey sweats and then walked into the bathroom to get changed. When i walked out, Shawn was in sweats too with no shirt.

"You brought over your pj's?"

"No actually uh, these are Ethan's. While you were getting changed I went to his room and asked if I could borrow a pair."

"Oh.... Ok then haha."

I got into bed next to him and turned my lamp off so we were now in the dark. As I was about to pass out, I felt him gently wrap his arms around me and pulled me close to his chest. I smiled to myself and then I passed out.

Sorry this is so short I'm gonna make a longer one later tonight but for now I'm gonna go watch PLL :)). Oh and also, I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far :))))

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