Chapter 53

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Alice's P.O.V

July 5, 1972

Tonight we were heading out for Ollioules, France for the first show of our second tour. I had everything packed up while Paul was just finishing up. I went to go check if the girls were ready when I met Helen just as she came out of the bathroom.

"Hey Helen" I said. She looked up at me. She looked kind of nervous.

"Oh...hey" Helen said.

"Is everything okay?" I asked

"Yeah, everything is fine. I have to go finish packing" Helen said. She then rushed off. I then went into the girls room.

"Hi mommy" Ethel said

"Hi Ethel. Are you finished packing?" I asked

"Yeah" Ethel said

"That's good. Does Helen seem alright to you?" I asked

"I think she might be sick" Ethel said

"Why would you say that?" I asked

"Because she's been throwing up for the last couple of days" Ethel said

"She has?" I said. Ethel nodded.

"I hope she'll be better by tomorrow. Are we going now?" she said

"Yeah. I just have to make sure your daddy is finished packing" I said. I left the room and then went back into mine and Paul's room.

"Paul?" I said. He turned to look at me.

"Yes, love?" Paul asked

"I think something may be going on with Helen" I said

"What do you mean?" Paul asked

"Well, I ran into her just as she came out of the bathroom and she seemed kind of off. Ethel told me she's been throwing up for the past couple days but when I saw her, she didn't look sick" I said

"Love, do you think that she might be pregnant?" Paul asked

"I do" I said

"Should we talk to her about it?" Paul asked

"No. She should tell us when she's ready. Now are you finished packing? The bus will be here any minute and we have three days to get to Ollioules" I said

"Yeah. Just one more thing" Paul said. He opened the bedside drawer and took something out of it. He then stuffed it into his inside pocket of his jacket.

"What was that?" I asked. Paul looked at me and smirked.

"Just something for incase we get bored" Paul said. I walked over to him and put my hand under his jacket. I found the pocket and reached my hand inside it. I found what I was looking for and pulled it out. It was a bag of pot.

"Really?" I said

"It's going to be a long trip, love" Paul said

"What if you get caught with it?" I said

"I'll make sure to be careful" Paul said.

"Alright then. Just no smoking it around the kids and make sure you share with me" I said. I stuffed the bag back into his pocket.

"Now, how about a kiss?" Paul said. I smirked and placed my lips upon his.


Soon enough we were on the bus and we're making our way to Ollioules. I was sitting on the couch when I was joined by Helen.

"Alice, I need to tell you something" she said

"What is it?" I said

"Well for the past couple of days I've been throwing up. When I realized it wasn't the flu, I bought a pregnancy test. I took the test this morning and it read positive" Helen explained

"So you're pregnant?" I said. Helen nodded and she let a smile show.

"I'm pregnant" she said. I brought Helen into a hug.

"That's great Helen" I said

"But there is one thing" Helen said

"What is it?" I asked

"I don't know how to tell Denny. I'm scared to tell him because I don't know how he'll react" Helen said

"First off, this is Denny's child, right?" I asked

"He's the only one I've ever had sex with" Helen said

"Then that should make it a little bit easier. Just tell Denny that you're pregnant. I bet you he'll be really happy about it" I said

"Alright. I'm gonna go tell him" Helen said. She stood up and went to go find Denny. She walked past Paul, greeting him as she did so. Paul sat beside me.

"Where's Helen off to in such a hurry?" Paul asked

"She's going to tell Denny that she's pregnant" I said.

"She is? I knew it!" Paul said.

"Helen's really happy about it, and I know that Denny will be" I said.

"What about you, love? Do you have another little McCartney in there?" Paul said, poking at my stomach.

"Not yet but when I do, I would definitely tell you. You really want another child, don't you?" I asked

"I do, love. I want to have as many children as we can" Paul said.

"Well, we better keep trying for another one then, shouldn't we?" I asked. Paul smirked. He leaned in and kissed me. We were interrupted when we were joined by Helen and Denny.

"Did you tell him?" I asked. Helen and Denny smiled and looked at each other.

"I did" Helen said

"I get to be a father! I can't believe it!" Denny said

"Congratulations!" Paul said

"We're really happy for both of you!" I said.

"Thanks" Helen said. Denny turned his attention from Helen towards us.

"Helen, do you think I can speak to Alice and Paul alone for a moment?" he asked.

"Of coarse" she said. Helen gave Denny a kiss before leaving us alone.

"What's going on Denny?" Paul asked

"I'm planning on proposing to Helen when we get to Paris" Denny said

"Really? You two haven't even been together a whole year yet! Is it because she's pregnant?" I asked

"No. I want to marry her because I love her. I know we've only known each other six months but she's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with" Denny said

"Well then we say go get her" Paul said

"So this means I have your blessings?" Denny asked

"It sure does" I said. Denny flashed us a smile before walking off.

"What do you think Helen will say when he asks her?" Paul asked

"She's definitely going to say yes" I said

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