Chapter 93

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Alice's P.O.V

June 25, 1973

The film's premiere was in two days. Paul and I were flying out to Los Angeles tonight.

"Love, do you have everything ready to go?" Paul asked me.

"I think so, yeah" I said with an uneasy tone.

"What's wrong?" he asked me

"You know what's wrong or should I say who" I said, sitting down on the bed. Paul sat down next to me, wrapping his arm around me.

"Please try to get Roger out of your mind. He's not going to try anything. I promise" Paul said reassuringly.

"How can you promise that?" I asked. He brought his hand to my cheek and turned my head so that I was looking at him.

"Because I'm your husband. You know I'd do anything to protect you. I love you Alice, with all of my heart. I won't let you leave my side" Paul said

"I love you too Paul. I trust that you'll protect me. You always do" I said. He gave me a sweet and gentle kiss.

"Alice! Paul! Ethan and Francie are here!" Linda called for us.

"You ready then, love?" Paul asked, holding my hand in his.

"I am" I said


As soon as we got to the airport, we boarded our flight to Los Angeles. The flight was several hours although it didn't seem like it because I slept through most of it. I was woken up by Paul.

"Love, we're here" he said. My eyes fluttered opened.

"Where's Ethan and Francie?" I asked.

"They're with Thomas and Guy waiting for us" Paul said. I nodded. Paul grabbed my hand and helped me up. We got off the plane and went to go meet up with the others.


Paul and I found Ethan and Francie waiting with Thomas and Guy. There were also a couple of police officers with them.

"There you two are!" Guy said as he spotted us. He walked over to us.

"It's really good to see you two again!" he said.

"You too Guy" I said

"Did you leave your girls at home?" Guy asked.

"Yes. Linda and Joseph are staying with us until the tour is over so they offered to watch the girls" Paul said

"And besides, we weren't planning to stay long. We're leaving the day after the premiere" I said

"Well I'm just glad you two came. Now let's get a move on to the hotel. Outside is crowded with fans and I want to make sure you two get to the hotel safely" Guy said.

"Is that why you brought the officers?" I asked.

"It is. Like I said, I put the safety of my stars first. Now let's head out" Guy said. He motioned for the two officers. They walked over to us.

"Thomas, Ethan, Francie and I will head out first. These two will safely guide you two out to the limo" Guy said. He went off to go join Thomas, Ethan and Francie and they quickly went outside.

"Mr and Mrs. McCartney, please follow us and stay close" the first officer said.

Paul and I grabbed hands and followed the officers to the limo that was waiting outside. Guy wasn't kidding when he said it was crowded. The loud screams almost pierced my ear drums.

"We love you Alice!"

There were some hands that reached out to try and touch me. The officers were trying their best to keep the distance between us and the fans.

"Love, you may be more famous than me" Paul commented. There was a hand that tried to touch him. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Nah. All the girls still go crazy over you" I said. We safely made it to the limo. The officers guided us inside and as soon as they cleared some of the fans, we made our way to the hotel.


As soon as we got to the hotel, Guy gave us our room keys which he arranged before we had even our ways.

"You two head on up. I'll go fetch your bags" Guy said

"Thanks Guy" I said. He gave us a smile before Paul and I went up to our room. We found it and just before we opened the door, there was shouting coming from the room to our right.

"I still don't understand why you brought me along Roger! I didn't want to come!" a woman shouted

"You're still my wife Luisa!" the familiar voice of Roger Moore yelled in return.

"But we're separated!" the woman named Luisa said.

"But not divorced yet!" Roger said. Paul and I looked at each other curiously. Just then, the door burst open and out stepped a woman with brown hair. She took notice of us. It must have been Luisa.

"Oh, did you hear all of that? Truly sorry about that" she said

"It's quite alright. Would you happen to be Luisa Mattioli?" I asked

"Yes" she stared at me for a moment, "you're Alice McCartney! You're the reason my marriage was ruined!"

"I didn't ruin your marriage! That is your husband's own fault!" I said

"He's not my husband anymore thanks to you!" Luisa said. I was about to say something else to her when instead Paul spoke.

"If I may interrupt, my wife is right. It's because of your husbands wandering eyes and the fact that he can't keep his hands to himself that you two are separated" Paul said. Luisa looked at Paul and she seemed to ease up a bit. Then she gave a smile and I swear she started batting her eyelashes.

"Paul McCartney! I've been a fan of yours every since your Beatle days. I'd keep an eye on your wife. It seems as though she likes to flirt with men who aren't hers" Luisa said.

"I never flirted with Roger!" I said.

"That's not what Roger says! He says you couldn't keep your hands to yourself!" Luisa said

"That is not true!" I said

"Whatever. Just stay away from him or someone's going to come along and take your husband from you" Luisa said. She looked over at Paul and smirked before retreating back into the room.

"Great. Not only do I have Roger to worry about but now his bitch of a wife! Did you see the way she was looking at you?" I said

"Love, don't let them get to you. Let's head inside and I can help you take your mind off of things, yeah?" Paul said, snaking his arm around my waist and pulling me against him.

"Please do Paulie" I said. I pressed a kiss to his lips and he led me inside.

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