Chapter 109

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Alice's P.O.V

December 15, 1973

I woke up, feeling colder than usual. I climbed out of bed, grabbed an extra blanket and wrapped it around myself. I walked over to the open window and closed it, blocking the cold air's entry into the house. We had been on the farm again for a few months now. We left London at the end of April. It was nice having so much time to ourselves. I heard the bed sheets rustling behind me. I turned around and noticed that Paul had woken up.

"You cold, love?" Paul asked me.

"Just a little bit" I said.

"C'mere. I'll warm you up" Paul said. I smiled and joined him on the bed. I opened up the blanket and wrapped it around Paul as well. He shifted me into his lap and let his arms wrap around my waist.

"Do you know how much I love you?" Paul asked.

"Of coarse I do" I said. I felt Paul placing delicate kisses on my neck. I smiled and sighed in content. His kisses moved up my neck and across my jaw until he finally reached my lips. I cupped his face as we shared a passionate a kiss.

"I love you more and more everyday" Paul said.

"I know. I love you too Paulie. I love every little thing about you" I said. We started kissing each other again. Our intimate moment was interrupted.

"Mommy, daddy, I'm cold" Ethel said. We both looked to her and noticed she was wrapped in a blanket.

"How about I make some hot chocolate and then maybe daddy can get a fire going?" I said

"Okay mommy" Ethel said. She ran out of the room, leaving Paul and I to ourselves again.

"I suppose I should go and get some wood" Paul said

"Bundle up. I don't want you freezing to death" I said

"I'll be fine. Besides, I've always got you to warm me up" Paul said. He brought me into one more kiss.


While Paul was outside getting some wood for the fireplace, I was in the kitchen making some hot chocolate. Once it was done, I poured each of the girls a cup, one for myself and then one for Paul.

"Here you go. Be careful because it's hot" I said. I gave the girls their hot chocolate.

"Thank you mommy" Ethel said

"Yeah, thank you" Mary said. I smiled at them and then heard the front door open. I went to the front door and saw Paul shivering slightly.

"It's bloody freezing outside" Paul said. I cupped his cheeks. They were so cold that my hands almost froze. His nose was pink.

"You're so cold Paul. Good thing I have a cup of hot chocolate waiting for you" I said. Paul's lips curled into a smile.

"Thank you, love" Paul said.


When Paul got a fire going, the girls insisted on sitting in front of it to warm up. Paul and I kept an eye on the girls from the kitchen.

"I can't believe Ethel is going to be ten years old in ten days" I said

"I know. Where does the time go?" Paul asked. I smiled and shrugged as I took a sip from my hot chocolate. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the warm liquid running down my throat and into my stomach.

"Are you excited for the Academy Awards?" Paul asked

"That's still four months away, you know" I said

"I know. I really hope you win, love. You deserve it" Paul said

"Who knows? I might win Best Actress and then we might win Best Original Song" I said. Paul smiled at me as he took a sip of his hot chocolate. I felt something against my leg. I looked down an noticed Marty asking to for my attention. Marty was one of Martha's pups that we kept.

"Marty has taken quite the liking to you, love" Paul said. I smiled and reached down to give Marty pets.

"I know. He's always begging for my attention" I said

"And he's protective of you" Paul said. It's true. Whenever Paul tries to cuddle with me or kiss me and Marty is around, he likes to growl at Paul and then cuddle up to me.

"Honestly, I get quite jealous of him" Paul said, looking at Marty who was sitting by my feet.

"I think that's cute" I said. He smiled and leaned over to kiss me but stopped just an inch away from my lips when Marty started to growl.

"See? I'm not even allowed to kiss my own wife" Paul said. I giggled and pulled Paul into a kiss. Marty started growling but we ignored it. When we pulled away, Paul looked down at Marty.

"It's not like I'm going to hurt her. I'd never do that to her. It's quite the opposite. Like you, all I want to do is protect her" Paul said. Marty looked up at Paul curiously for a moment before moving closer to him and asked for pets.

"Now he's warming up to me" Paul said, as he pet Marty's head.

"Maybe he'll even let you cuddle me tonight" I said. Once Marty was pleased with the attention he received, he ran off. I walked into the kitchen to put my empty cup in the sink. I felt Paul's arms wrap around my waist. He turned me around so I was facing him.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" Paul said

"Only everyday" I said. He leaned in closer to me so that our noses were touching.

"Only because it's true" Paul said. His lips trapped mine in a kiss. His kisses never failed to make me melt. Our kiss was getting heated really quickly, so I had to be the one to stop it before we ended up fucking each other in the kitchen.

"Come on, love" Paul said

"Not in the kitchen and definitely not when the girls are in the other room" I said. At that moment, Ethel came bursting into the kitchen.

"Mommy, can you make cookies?" she asked.

"Cookies you say? I think that can be arranged" I said. I looked to Paul with a smile.

"Cookies sound wonderful right now" Paul said.

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