Chapter 59

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Alice's P.O.V

August 26, 1972

Our tour had finished two days ago so now we were in Tucson to visit Linda and Joseph. We still had about two hours before we actually made it to the ranch. I was sitting with Paul when I yawned and felt my eyelids becoming heavy.

"Tired, love?" Paul asked

"Maybe a little" I said. Paul placed his hand on my head and gently brought it to his shoulder.

"Maybe you should have a nap, yeah?" Paul said. I turned my head so I was looking up at him.

"But I don't want to" I said, letting out another yawn.

"Your mind might be saying no but your body is saying yes" Paul said. I was about to say something when Paul placed his finger to my lips.

"Just at least for an hour, alright?" Paul said. I smiled and nodded. I let my eyes close as I felt Paul petting my head and his voice lulling me to sleep.

"Sleep pretty darling, do not cry, and I will sing a lullaby" he sang softly. Pretty soon, I was out like a light.


I could feel someone shaking me and I could hear a familiar voice.

"Alice, wake up!" Linda's voice chimed. My eyes opened slightly and I could see her hovering above me.

"Five more minutes" I mumbled. My eyes closed again. Not even a minute past when I felt cool air against my nose. I crinkled my nose and opened my eyes again. Linda was crouched beside me.

"It's cute when you crinkle your nose" she commented

"Where's Paul?" I asked

"He's inside the house, just like everybody else. I came to fetch you" Linda said.

"Alright" I said, sitting myself up.

"There we go! Now come on. I have lunch made and I bet you're starving" Linda said. She grabbed my hands and we both stood up.

"Do I get a tour of the ranch?" I asked

"Of coarse, but you have to eat first" Linda said

"Alright, let's go" I said.


After lunch, Linda and Joseph showed Paul and I around the ranch.

"And over here is our garden!" Linda said

"We grow our own vegetables to use for our meals" Joseph said

"And whatever we don't eat, we give to the animals" Linda said. Their ranch was huge! It was bigger than the farm in Scotland. They had a number of animals including horses and pigs, and they also have a number of barns. Whatever barn they didn't use for the animals, they used for extra living space.

"The kids really love it! They enjoy having so much space to run and play" Linda said

"It's amazing you two! How much did it cost?" I asked

"A few thousand dollars" Joseph said

"How did you afford it?" Paul asked

"Well I work for a magazine that pays really well and Joseph is an amazing lawyer. Plus, we had family and friends that helped pitch in" Linda said

"But it doesn't really matter how much it costed. It's how happy we are that matters" Joseph said. He wrapped his arm around Linda. They both smiled at each other.

"Now, to where you two will be sleeping" Linda said


Linda and Joseph brought us to one of the unused barns. They had turned it into a little guest house. There was a living area, a sleeping area and even a little kitchen.

"We know you two just love being alone so much and we know exactly what you two are like when you are, so we decided that you two can have the guest house" Linda said

"Did you two do this?" I asked

"Yeah. Linda and I worked on it together" Joseph said

"Except the plumbing and electrical. We actually called people for that. Do you two like it?" Linda said

"It's perfect" Paul said

"Great! If you're wondering where the bathroom is, it's that room over there" Linda said, motioning towards the bathroom.

"Well, I think that's all for now. We'll let you two get settled in. Dinner is at 6:00" Joseph said. With that, the two left Paul and I alone. He took my hand and led me over to the couch. We both took a seat.

"They've really outdone themselves" Paul commented

"I'll say. Where did they find the time?" I asked

"I have no idea" Paul said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and then pulled me into a kiss. Our kiss was interrupted when I heard a high pitched meow. I looked down to see a fluffy kitten. It kept rubbing itself against my leg.

"I think someone likes you" Paul said. I picked up the kitten.

"It's a Scottish Fold! They're my favourite breed of cat! They're so cute, especially the ears!" I said. I placed the kitten on my lap and he made himself comfortable. I started petting his head.

"We've been together a long time and I never knew you liked cats" Paul said

"I guess it just never came up. I love both cats and dogs" I said. Paul smiled and reached over, petting the kitty on the head.

"Would you like a cat when we get home?" Paul asked. I looked up at him.

"Really?" I asked

"Yeah! It would be a great addition to the family. The girls would love a cat and I think Martha would even get along with it" Paul said

"That's sounds like a wonderful idea!" I said. Paul leaned over and kissed me.

"I promise, the day we get home, we'll go to the animal shelter and pick out a kitten. You can pick the breed and name" Paul said.

"Paulie, you're the best husband ever!" I said

"And you're the greatest wife. I love you, my lovely Alice" Paul said

"I love you too Paulie" I said. He pulled me into a passionate kiss. The kitty hopped off my lap, allowing Paul to pull me into his.

"How about we break in the bed?" Paul said. I smirked and combed my fingers through his hair.

"You just read my mind" I said

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