Chapter 96

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Alice's P.O.V

June 28, 1973

Paul and I were all packed and ready to head to the airport. I was looking forward to be heading home. I missed the girls and I missed Linda and Joseph.

"You have everything all packed, love?" Paul asked

"Yeah. I can't wait to he home and away from..." I said, not even wanting to say the name.

"I know" Paul said, bringing me into a hug.

"Do you think the story got published?" I asked

"I don't know. Don't worry about it, love. For all we know, he might have had a change of heart and called the reporter" Paul said

"I suppose" I said

"Let's go, love. Guy wanted us to wait in the lobby for him" Paul said. I nodded. He kissed me before we grabbed our bags and went down to the lobby.


As Paul and I were waiting for Guy, I saw a magazine to my right. I grabbed it and was about to open it when Paul snatched it from my hand.

"Hey!" I said

"No magazines for you" Paul said

"But-" I said

"No buts. I don't want you worrying about it and if you look through a magazine, it's only going to make you worry about it more" Paul said.

"Fine" I muttered. I saw Guy coming towards us.

"Are you two ready to go? You have a private flight waiting at the airport" Guy said

"We're ready. Come on, love" Paul said. He grabbed my hand and we both got up from our seats. Guy grabbed our bags and started leading the way. Paul and I followed.


Guy followed us inside the airport to say his goodbyes to us.

"Will I be seeing you two at the UK premiere in July?" Guy asked

"We're going to be finishing our tour then" Paul said

"Then I wish you good luck with the rest of the tour" Guy said

"Thanks. I hope we see you again soon" I said

"I'll keep you in mind for more movies. I don't want to keep you two. I know your wanting to get back home to your girls" Guy said

"We do" I said

"We miss them" Paul said. Guy smiled and gave a nod.

"Goodbye you two, and have a safe flight" Guy said, and then parted way from us.

"Shall we get on our flight?" Paul asked

"We shall" I said


We made it back to London after several hours. When we landed, both Paul and I agreed to have Linda come and pick us up.

"I'll go call her" I said. Paul nodded and gave me a quick kiss before I went to go find a phone. I found one and dialled the number to our home. It rang a couple of times before there was an answer.

"Hello?" Linda said

"Hi Linda" I said

"Hi Alice! Are you in London?" she asked

"Yeah. Paul and I were hoping if you could pick us up at the airport" I said

"Of coarse I can. I'll be there in thirty minutes. Think you can wait that long for me?" Linda asked

"We'll manage" I said

"Good. See you two soon" Linda said. The line then went dead. I put the phone back and made my over to Paul.

"Is she coming?" he asked

"Yes. She'll be here in thirty minutes" I said


Thirty minutes had passed and Linda had arrived to pick us up. We put our bags in the trunk of the car and then climbed into the back.

"Hi you two" Linda said

"Hi Linda" I said

"How did the premiere go?" Linda asked.

"It was..." I said, trailing off. Linda looked at me through the mirror and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Fine. It was fine" Paul said

"That's good to hear" Linda said. I stayed silent for most of the ride home so Paul and Linda did most of the talking.

"How are the girls?" Paul asked

"They miss you a lot" Linda said

"We miss them too, don't we love?" Paul asked me

"We do" I said quietly.

"Is everything alright Alice?" Linda asked. Paul looked over at me and reached for my hand.

"Do you want to tell her or do you want me to do it?" Paul asked

"I'll tell her when we get home" I said


I was relieved when we finally made it home. As soon as I opened the door, Martha and Flower came running to me. Martha jumped up on me and started licking my face.

"Hi Martha. I missed you too" I said, petting her head. Flower started rubbing against my leg.

"And I missed you as well Flower" I said. Martha jumped down when she heard Paul approaching. When he entered the house, she greeted him the same way she greeted me.

"Someone missed us" Paul said, giving Martha pets. When Martha jumped down, her and Flower ran off to another part of the house.

"Mommy? Daddy?" I heard the voice of Ethel. She walked into the living room and when she saw us, she smiled and ran to us and trapped us both in a hug.

"Mommy! Daddy! I missed you!" Ethel said.

"We missed you too" I said

"Where's Mary and Stella?" Paul asked

"They both just woke up from a nap so dad went to go get them" Ethel said. Linda then came into the house with our bags.

"Alright. Ethel, why don't you go help dad with your sisters?" Linda said. Ethel nodded and ran off to Joseph.

"Alright Alice. You said you wanted to talk about something" Linda said

"At the after party for the premiere, Roger talked to a reporter and he said that we were in a relationship. Later, he forced me into a kiss and the reporter from earlier took a picture of it. I was just wondering if there was anything in the magazines about it" I said

"Well I picked this up today because it had stuff about the premiere in it and I do recall seeing something" Linda said. She grabbed a magazine and handed it to me.

"Paul, maybe you should read it first" I said. Paul nodded and grabbed the magazine. He flipped through the pages until he stopped on one and skimmed through it.

"Love, I was being right when I said you shouldn't worry" Paul said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Take a look" Paul said. He gave me the magazine and I read the page he had just read. It was an interview with Roger.

When asked about his relationship to co-star Alice McCartney, all he had to say was that they are just co-stars. He also said that he's going to try and work things out with his wife Luisa Mattioli.

"You were right Paul. I had absolutely nothing to worry about" I said

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