Chapter 101

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Alice's P.O.V

August 9, 1973

We arrived in Lagos, Nigeria to start recording our next album, Band On The Run. Unfortunately, it was only going be Paul, Denny, Linda and I recording it as our two other bandmates left. However, it is Linda's first album with us and I was very excited about it. We arrived at the airport. Paul went to go to arrange for our rides to the houses we rented for our stay.

"Linda, this is so exciting! Your first album with us!" I said

"I'm so excited, but I do have a question. Why are we in Nigeria recording the album?" Linda asked

"Paul wanted to record outside the UK for a change" I said. Paul joined Linda and I.

"Our rides will be here soon. Where's the girls?" Paul asked

"All the kids are with Joseph, Denny and Helen" I said. Denny and Helen had gotten married right after the tour had ended. They were considering this trip their honeymoon.

"Alright. I'm going to call the house sitter to let her know we've arrived" I said. I went off to find a phone to call Laura, who offered to be our house sitter while we were away. I found one and dialled our number.

"Hello?" Laura said

"Hi Laura. Just calling to let you know we've arrived" I said

"Oh good" she said

"You take good care of Martha and Flower, okay?" I said

"We promise we will. Now go off and have fun. Call me soon, alright?" Laura said

"I will. I love you" I said

"I love you too sis" Laura said. I hung up the phone and went back to Paul and Linda.

"Does Laura have everything under control?" Paul asked

"Yes. I trust her to watch the house" I said. Joseph came up to us.

"I think our rides are here" Joseph said

"Is there two outside?" Paul asked

"Yes. They're waiting for us" Joseph said

"Alright. You and Linda get your own since you have the most kids" Paul said.

"Alright. Joseph and I will go gather them" Linda said

"You two can head off to the houses and get settled into yours. It's an hour away from the studio" Paul said. Linda and Joseph both gave a nod and went off to get their kids.

"Alright. Let's get our girls. We're riding with Denny and Helen" Paul explained. I nodded. Paul grabbed my hand and we went to go find them.


We arrived at our houses that we would be staying in. There were three. One was for Paul, Ethel, Mary, Stella and I. Another was for Helen, Denny and Tommy. There was a house that was a bit bigger than the others so I assumed that one was for Linda, Joseph and their children since there was more of them.

"Denny, you three go and get settled in. I'll call you for a meeting later" Paul said

"Alright" Denny said. Helen, who had Tommy in her arms, stepped out first and made her way to the house. Denny stepped out, grabbed his and Helen's bags and made his way into the house.

"I'll get the bags. You get the girls inside and settled in" Paul said. He gave me a quick kiss before stepping outside to grab the bags.

"Oldest step out first please" I said. Ethel knew that was her so she stepped out, followed by Mary and then I helped Stella out. We all made our way to the house.

"Here we are. Our home for the next three months" I said. Paul joined us inside.

"So, what do you think?" he asked

"It's roomy" I said.

"I knew you'd like it. How about you show the girls their bedroom, and then you can come to ours and we can break it in" Paul said with a wink.

"Paulie, you're so naughty sometimes" I whispered to him. He smirked and headed in the direction of our temporary bedroom.

"Alright girls. Let's find your bedroom" I said

"I can find it for us mommy" Ethel said

"Are you sure?" I asked. Ethel nodded.

"Okay then. Mary and Stella, follow your sister please" I said. Ethel led the way with Mary and Stella following behind her. Stella stumbled a bit, as she was just starting to walk, but caught up to her older sisters. I went off to join Paul in the bedroom. As soon as I stepped inside, I was pulled onto the bed.

"Paul, we need to talk about something" I said.

"Whatever it is, it can wait" he said, pressing a kiss to my lips. I wanted to try to speak again but I got so lost in his kiss.

"I want you so badly, love" Paul mumbled against my lips. I smirked and got off the bed, walking over to the door.

"Where are you going?" Paul asked.

"Making sure the door is closed, unless you want to repeat of the last time we had sex with the door open" I said, closing the door. I then walked back over to bed.

"But, I really do need to talk to you about something" I said. Paul wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against him.

"And I have a throbbing, hard cock that needs to be taken care of" Paul said.

"Screw it, what I need to say can wait" I said, roughly pressing my lips to his. We managed to undress each other without breaking apart from our kiss. Paul laid me on my back and he got on top of me. He reached down to grab his cock and positioned himself at my entrance. He teased me by rubbing the tip against my wet pussy.

"You ready for me, love?" Paul asked.

"Yes Paulie. Just fuck me already" I said. He shoved his cock inside me and started thrusting.

"Fuck" he groaned. He buried his face into my neck. I moaned, and wrapped my legs around his waist, allowing him to thrust deeper inside me.

"Paulie, I'm gonna cum" I said.

"Cum all over my cock while I cum inside your tight pussy" Paul said. He thrust into me a few more times until we both came and screamed out each other's names. Still inside me, he brushed my hair out of my face and gave me a kiss.

"What was it you needed to tell me?" Paul asked. I tried to think of what it was but I had forgotten it.

"I don't remember, but I'm sure it'll come back to me" I said, giving him another kiss.

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